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Post subject: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 12:42 |
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 12:22 Posts: 7
Hi all and hi Sir Luigi for me you are the hacking and cracking at the state of art :)i very like all your tools and i very like you'r music is fantastic. Yesterday i have test for bunch of hours UDPSZ and xbox live. I have connect xbox360 with internet connection sharing on the little notebook. AFTER i have connect in a a match of gears of war 1, i go to the notebook and i have started WIRESHARK i have catch the ip of the host and i have say i want test the best tools maded by luigi. SO i have open UDPSZ a times without proxy and some times with sockscap and YOUR-FREEDOM(your-freedom support UDP , tor network is good for tcp)or i use example profixier . SO i have test with the ip of the host in xbox live i have use SO SO SO SO MUCH OPTIONS but all of my testing make me very tired and paranoid for the rest of night. I have use c:\udpsz -r -R -l 1000 iphostgame 3074 666. and i have make much lag but my connection lost xbox live disconnect from server and can't see list friends ect. i have test c:\udpsz -r -R -l 1 iphostgame 3074 1 and my connection lost xbox live disconnect from server and can't see list friends ect. i have test c:\udpsz -r -R -l 5000 iphostgame 3074 500 and my connection lost xbox live or be disconnect from server and can't see list friends ect i have test c:\udpsz -r -R -l 100 iphostgame 3074 1000 and my connection lost xbox live or disconnect from server and can't se list friends ect. I have test c:\udpsz -l 100 iphostgame 3074 4 and my connection lost xbox live or disconnect from server and can't se list friends ect. but i dont have test -l 0 and flood my lan with xbox 360 on pc or the entire virtual interface. Luigi im secure with this tool is possible disconnect a host or player on xbox live because the players with 3074 open door accept traffic udp but udpsz lag me much than the ''victim''. Im i love make the test and if dos'nt work and i dont have the answer not possible im dont finish never the test and my head explode :D. I hope luigi or someone give me a answer and i go to re-test because i think with correct paramaters xbox live servers be fucked by a nice udp dos.:D. But i don't wanna that only for dos the server but for testing if is possible and sometimes to kick the bad people from the server :D Thanks
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Post subject: Re: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 14:25 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
uhmmm so, resuming, the problem is the saturation of your network interface right? that usually happens only when is specified a very low delay in the -l option (for example values under 10 milliseconds dependent by the connection) which causes the temporary interruption of the interface, but at the moment I have still not found ways to avoid this effect (if exists obviously).
another reason of this problem instead is non-dependent by udpsz, indeed if you are behind NAT/router a similar problem is normal because the device or the ISP (in case the NAT is performed by it) doesn't handle UDP packets from different source ports (you use -R) or to too much different destination IP/ports. in that case there is nothing to do.
this was the explanation about udpsz, while I have not understood the role of xbox live in this thing. because (luckily) a server/service doesn't go down simply for a lame sequence of UDP packets so your theory looks completely out of a technical foundation
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Post subject: Re: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 14:37 |
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 12:22 Posts: 7
thanks luigi for the respond. I connect on computer with a internet key and i don't think the provider is natted because i use only the firewall software and all works good example p2p apps. but xbox live much games ( seems only 1-2-3 games are hosted by dev server ) and others like cod 4 gta iv gow etc are maded by players . so if the player open a server in the game and he is connect directly on modem/router he have the 3074 udp port open or all times he play on xbox live. udsz connect directly to the player ip and port >>>>>>>>>>>>>> without go in the server because is like attack directly an ip and not a bridge of host and player . but luigi i don't know but after i make this udp attack without succes my firewall monitor i look continuely udp out connection versus my dns isp. is normal or you think im be a zombie on the net :D and i attack some from versus the dns isp and versus victim like the much host booter like backdoors? sory luigi. AH UHUM i have forget to say if i make the flood with high ms like 5 or 10 seconds im not kicked from the server but i make so much lag and i don't know how the .... the others players playning normal and can kill me and me can do nothing i think because make a saturation of udp protocolo on upload. right? is a dream tcpfp to udpfp? like a multi connection or the routers of the ''victim'' test can block that?:D
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Post subject: Re: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 16:50 |
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 12:22 Posts: 7
HAHAHA luigi today i have test a little little little scripty only START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074(depend if player open in the router or is random) 5000 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 START c:\udpfp -l 1 hostip 3074 in bat and i have look im lag like a piggy but the host getta hell from he connection and when after 30 secs i have stop that i have look all player in the match of this host are in the menu of game so i have shutdown the player hosting the server!. but if i dont stop im lag so much caused by saturation of port and udp protocol so i can play only if i stop. :D so i think luigi if udpfp settings example for semi open connection or a special packet we rest normal but the hosts go down :D
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Post subject: Re: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 16:53 |
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 12:22 Posts: 7
luigino te lo dico in italiano perch?? di inglese ne so poco, ma grazie a qualche amichetto americano/inglese e poi sai ho fatto fino alla 3 media e a quei tempi non sapevo niente di inglese :D. sai luigi cosa penso?se ci fosse qualche modo semplice per liberare in continua il traffico diretto verso ip della lan ma non tutto solo quello eccessivo si potrebbe fare di tutto con udpsz :P
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Post subject: Re: UDPSZ and xbox360 XBOX LIVE! :] my brain bleedings to death. Posted: 27 Jul 2009 21:07 |
Joined: 27 Jul 2009 12:22 Posts: 7
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS c'?? l'ho fatta!!! i have done!!! Allora ho scoperto sai cosa luigino? che udpfz penso che sia il miglior tool in campo udp perch?? altri come net tools che contengono tool del genere fanno laggare solo chi usa questi tools e non gli altri . Con udpsz ho testato sia su un server di gioco di swat 4 e sia su xbox live ed ho notato che se si mette il pacchetti udp troppo alto non lo invia ma fa laggare solo chi lo usa . se invece si non si supera i 1000 e non si scende i 200 ad esempio cosi' :D. c:\udpsz -l 0 hostip port 666 sai cosa cosa succede? oggi l'ho testato su i server di swat questo c:\udpsz -l 0 hostip port 666 ( ed ho testato anche con 500 1000 e 600 mettendo sempre -l 0 ) succede che nel server al improvviso tutti e io compreso non ci si pu?? muovere che si finisce da una parte random della mappa e in pi?? tutti pingano 999 compreso io e tutti veniamo kickati dal autoping del server che di solito settano ad un massimo di ping di 300-400 ( in swat). per?? mentre si fa questo attacco non si pu?? navigare appena si chiude tutto ritorna ok. anche nel gioco non si pu?? parlare con gli altri in senso tutti scrivono e le parole arrivano dopo secondi molti dicevano what the fuck!!!! lol. Avevi ragione luigino non settando porta random ( per il contenuto random non lo provato ma non penso che cambi moltissimo ) appena si chiude udpsz tutto ritorna ok. Invece su gears of war se si fa questo ahahahaha o su altri giochi su xbox live come detto prima prendendo ip con uno sniffer come ad esempio l'ottimo wireshark ( che per me risulta anche facile da usare e capire ) invece cain adirittura non sniffa proprio:D , si vede che cain e abel non gli piace la cocaina hehe ) Sui giochi xbox live invece succede che dopo qualche secondo tutto si ferma e il server crasha appena vado nel pc e chiudo udpsz e vado a vdere la lista giocatori che ho incontrato tutti sono nel men?? di gioco quindi significa che udpsz a fatto crashare la connessione del host. anche se in molti casi se l'host a una connessione veloce e proprio lui che deve chiudere ad esempio se non si chiude usdpz e lui rimane e io mi arrendo prima e lo chiudo io mi ritrovo buttato fuori dalla partita e gli altri giocatori rimangono etc ma anche se pi?? delle volte e proprio l'host a chiudere quando vede che il server ?? in stato di crash :D. Comunque funziona tutto bene. Ovviamente ?? inutile abusarne anche perch?? non si pu?? giocare quindi si dovrebbe fare quando l'host si comporta male oppure nei giochi dove l'host pu?? kickare nella hobby prendere il suo ip prima con wireshark e punirlo con 1 minuto quando lo fa cosi' capisce l'antifona anche se sarebbe meglio farlo con your-freedom. Secondo luigino quelli di xbox live riescono a tracciare i pacchetti che vanno ad un ip che gioca su xbox live? o solo quelli che facenti del gioco?. Perch?? c?? qualche gioco come HALO3 che se si farebbe questa cosa con udpsz quando ad esempio l'host della partita esce automaticamente ne viene scelto un altro quindi se si fa con udpsz si fa cadere l'host ed e come eliminare un giocatore dalla partita. YUPYYYYYY GREAT JOB LUIGI!!!. se qualcuno ti chiede di questo fargli un riassunto perch?? non riuscirei a dirlo cosi' eheh:D
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