Hi there.
First of all excellent work on the Telltale TTARCH tool, it's working great.
Onto the topic, the model files *.d3dmesh (Direct3d, possible .mesh?) found in 'The Siege of Spinner Cay'-->"/Pack/*_data.ttarch" seems to be in some kind of encrypted binary format.
Every file when viewed in hex starts with the same (header?) information
The only readable ASCII information is the filename ending in *.d3dmesh, and one or more *.d3dtx files (.dds) that I assume is textures found in /Pack/*_tx.ttarch.
Would it be possible to make a tool that converts *.d3dmesh to a more importable 3d format?
There is a john_doe over at the
LucasArts-forum that managed to build a workable but limited viewer in 2006, but it was hardcoded and not public available.
Would be great if you could have a look at it.
Again thanks for many great tools.