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 Post subject: D3DMesh encrypted?
PostPosted: 23 Aug 2009 23:34 

Joined: 23 Aug 2009 22:16
Posts: 2
Hi there.
First of all excellent work on the Telltale TTARCH tool, it's working great.

Onto the topic, the model files *.d3dmesh (Direct3d, possible .mesh?) found in 'The Siege of Spinner Cay'-->"/Pack/*_data.ttarch" seems to be in some kind of encrypted binary format.
Every file when viewed in hex starts with the same (header?) information

The only readable ASCII information is the filename ending in *.d3dmesh, and one or more *.d3dtx files (.dds) that I assume is textures found in /Pack/*_tx.ttarch.
Would it be possible to make a tool that converts *.d3dmesh to a more importable 3d format?
There is a john_doe over at the LucasArts-forum that managed to build a workable but limited viewer in 2006, but it was hardcoded and not public available.

Would be great if you could have a look at it.

Again thanks for many great tools.

 Post subject: Re: D3DMesh encrypted?
PostPosted: 24 Aug 2009 16:09 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
sorry but I can't help with the d3dmesh files because they are not encrypted, they are simply in a particular format (I know practically nothing about 3d graphic and formats).

 Post subject: Re: D3DMesh encrypted?
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2009 02:02 

Joined: 23 Aug 2009 22:16
Posts: 2
Okay. Looking a bit more into the case, in the Microsoft DirectX SDK, there is a sample project written in C++ (For VS2005 and VS2008) that shows how to load a custom mesh file, in this example they selected *.obj.

This sample shows how an ID3DXMesh object can be created from mesh data stored in a Wavefront Object file ( .obj). It's convenient to use .x files when working with ID3DXMesh objects, since D3DX can create and fill a mesh object directly from a .x file. It's also easy to initialize a mesh object with data gathered from any file format or memory resource.

From MeshLoader.cpp:
// Load the vertex buffer, index buffer, and subset information from a file. In this case,
// an .obj file was chosen for simplicity, but it's meant to illustrate that ID3DXMesh objects
// can be filled from any mesh file format once the necessary data is extracted from file.

The best thing about this project, is that it includes a [*.custommesh] to [*.x] exporter. That would make it easy to import models from *.x into 3d-modeling software.
The 'MeshFromOBJ' Project can be downloaded from here: MeshFromOBJ.rar
Here is the Microsoft Developer Documentation explaining the project

I completely understand if this ain't something you'd bother to work with, since you write in C and don't have much experience with 3d graphic. But I am hoping you could look at the sample-project and see if you could understand how to load the *.d3dmesh data into this project.

Thank you

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