aluigi wrote:
The following is an example of DLL injection which is ready to use for real of functions and, in my opinion, is really very very simple to read and understand.
I have used CreateRemoteThread since seems the most easy to use way (although doesn't work on the old Win9x/NT) but I will probably add also a SetWindowsHookEx example when I will find a good way to implement it.
What this code allows you to do?
It allows to run a program at your choice and controlling the MessageBox function, in this example any MessageBox will contain the message "hook success".
As already said the code is ready to use so modifying only 4 parameters (the name of the original function and its dll, its prototype and the function you want to use) you have done everything.
The hooker is composed by two usual parts:
- loader: it runs the executable you want to hook and loads the dll in it
- inject: the dll which will be placed in the process and will take the control of the desired function (or functions since you can add how much functions you want)
if you want to add arguments to the loaded file use: loader "file.exe arg1 arg2" file.dll
And remember that if you don't specify the full path of file.dll the file.exe's process will load or try to load the dll in its folder.
Hope it helps and let me know if you have comments, suggestions or ideas
Note: CREATE_SUSPENDED and ResumeThread() are probably not really useful, I have added them only because I think this solution gives to the dll more time for modifying the process, let me know what you think.
Note: I prefer to consider this example still experimental since it's still not stable as I desire (heavily tested yesterday)
EDIT: attachments removed since wrongs, a new version will be updated soon
There's a simpler way (works on Windoze and Linux) to achieve this:
1. Run the target program
2. Get the PID of the running target programm
3. Use gdb to attach to said PID
4. Use the following gdb commands to load your code
call (int)dlopen("/path/to/", 2)
Of course dlopen is LoadLibrary on Windoze.
To get the PID on Linux:
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h> // for opendir(), readdir(), closedir()
#include <sys/stat.h> // for stat()
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define PROC_DIRECTORY "/proc/"
#define EXACT_MATCH 1
int IsNumeric(const char* ccharptr_CharacterList)
for ( ; *ccharptr_CharacterList; ccharptr_CharacterList++)
if (*ccharptr_CharacterList < '0' || *ccharptr_CharacterList > '9')
return 0; // false
return 1; // true
int strcmp_Wrapper(const char *s1, const char *s2, int intCaseSensitive)
if (intCaseSensitive)
return !strcmp(s1, s2);
return !strcasecmp(s1, s2);
int strstr_Wrapper(const char* haystack, const char* needle, int intCaseSensitive)
if (intCaseSensitive)
return (int) strstr(haystack, needle);
return (int) strcasestr(haystack, needle);
#ifdef __cplusplus
pid_t GetPIDbyName(const char* cchrptr_ProcessName, int intCaseSensitiveness, int intExactMatch)
pid_t GetPIDbyName_implements(const char* cchrptr_ProcessName, int intCaseSensitiveness, int intExactMatch)
char chrarry_CommandLinePath[100] ;
char chrarry_NameOfProcess[300] ;
char* chrptr_StringToCompare = NULL ;
pid_t pid_ProcessIdentifier = (pid_t) -1 ;
struct dirent* de_DirEntity = NULL ;
DIR* dir_proc = NULL ;
int (*CompareFunction) (const char*, const char*, int) ;
if (intExactMatch)
CompareFunction = &strcmp_Wrapper;
CompareFunction = &strstr_Wrapper;
dir_proc = opendir(PROC_DIRECTORY) ;
if (dir_proc == NULL)
perror("Couldn't open the " PROC_DIRECTORY " directory") ;
return (pid_t) -2 ;
// Loop while not NULL
while ( (de_DirEntity = readdir(dir_proc)) )
if (de_DirEntity->d_type == DT_DIR)
if (IsNumeric(de_DirEntity->d_name))
strcpy(chrarry_CommandLinePath, PROC_DIRECTORY) ;
strcat(chrarry_CommandLinePath, de_DirEntity->d_name) ;
strcat(chrarry_CommandLinePath, "/cmdline") ;
FILE* fd_CmdLineFile = fopen (chrarry_CommandLinePath, "rt") ; // open the file for reading text
if (fd_CmdLineFile)
fscanf(fd_CmdLineFile, "%s", chrarry_NameOfProcess) ; // read from /proc/<NR>/cmdline
fclose(fd_CmdLineFile); // close the file prior to exiting the routine
if (strrchr(chrarry_NameOfProcess, '/'))
chrptr_StringToCompare = strrchr(chrarry_NameOfProcess, '/') +1 ;
chrptr_StringToCompare = chrarry_NameOfProcess ;
//printf("Process name: %s\n", chrarry_NameOfProcess);
//printf("Pure Process name: %s\n", chrptr_StringToCompare );
if ( CompareFunction(chrptr_StringToCompare, cchrptr_ProcessName, intCaseSensitiveness) )
pid_ProcessIdentifier = (pid_t) atoi(de_DirEntity->d_name) ;
closedir(dir_proc) ;
return pid_ProcessIdentifier ;
closedir(dir_proc) ;
return pid_ProcessIdentifier ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
pid_t GetPIDbyName(const char* cchrptr_ProcessName)
return GetPIDbyName(cchrptr_ProcessName, CASE_INSENSITIVE, EXACT_MATCH) ;
// C cannot overload functions - fixed
pid_t GetPIDbyName_Wrapper(const char* cchrptr_ProcessName, ... )
int intTempArgument ;
int intInputArguments[2] ;
// intInputArguments[0] = 0 ;
// intInputArguments[1] = 0 ;
memset(intInputArguments, 0, sizeof(intInputArguments) ) ;
int intInputIndex ;
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, cchrptr_ProcessName );
for (intInputIndex = 0; (intTempArgument = va_arg( argptr, int )) != 15; ++intInputIndex)
intInputArguments[intInputIndex] = intTempArgument ;
va_end( argptr );
return GetPIDbyName_implements(cchrptr_ProcessName, intInputArguments[0], intInputArguments[1]);
#define GetPIDbyName(ProcessName,...) GetPIDbyName_Wrapper(ProcessName, ##__VA_ARGS__, (int) 15)
int main()
pid_t pid = GetPIDbyName("bash") ; // If -1 = not found, if -2 = proc fs access error
printf("PID %d\n", pid);