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 Post subject: sof2 rpm mod
PostPosted: 10 Aug 2008 04:01 

Joined: 10 Aug 2008 03:43
Posts: 2
I need to compile a mod. i have the source code i used that tourtose program to download it. i also downloaded the mp sdk program. now im at a lose i dont know what step to take next. i never compiled a mod before can someone explain to me how to compile it or give me a good website explaining it? i've been google searching for hours now and i dont see anything on how to compile it. i figured its one of those .exe programs in sdk but i dont know where to put the files to compile it. i tried just putting it in random spots and launching the bats or exe's but im running blind lol. pls help me out i was using rpmpro but the maker sold it and now a bunch of people are running around with access to the backdoor and i lost all my sp mp maps. i managed to find an rpm with a sp mp map editor and that supports those kinds of scripts and maps but only the source code is availible for it. ... &sk=t&sd=a

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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2008 11:34 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
uhmm personally I can't help much since I don't have experience with mods.
So, except for saying "download the 1.02 + 1.03 sdk" I don't know

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PostPosted: 10 Aug 2008 16:36 

Joined: 10 Aug 2008 03:43
Posts: 2
ok thanks anyway i figured someone here might know something im pretty sure this is where i downloaded all anti crash patches for quake3 and sof2 so i figured id give it a try. i just wish the modders werent so elusive about their modding lol. just about everything else on the net you can find a walkthrough but compiling a mod from source code is just not there.

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