Luigi Auriemma (ARCHIVE-ONLY FORUM!)
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 Post subject: QuickRVA
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2007 20:58 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
today I have released a tool which I needed from long time.
In all this time I have been not able to find a valid RVA converter for my needs... the converter most close to what I wanted was the one written by Lazarus in the far 1999 but it has some bugs, doesn't support drag'n'drop and more.

the following are its features:
- drag'n'drop
- command-line file loading
- process loading
- automatic recognization of the input as rva/file offset
- visualization of info about the entrypoint, the imagebase and the current PE section
- hex visualization of the data pointed by the current file offset
- C style search, in short is possible to search any type of text string but also any type of binary data since it uses the C escape sequences like \r \n \t and so on
- something which I have forgotten to list here as usual ih ih ih

if you try it please let me know what you think
a screenshot is attached

quickrva.png [ 7.51 KiB | Viewed 769 times ]
 Post subject:
PostPosted: 27 Aug 2007 23:19 

Joined: 14 Aug 2007 13:32
Posts: 71
Ah nice tool thanks for the share luigi..Will get to have a good play tomorrow with it. :wink:

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