COD4 is interesting, and I believe you are going to need a cd key for each player in order to successfully perform a fake player dos. I think the protocol differs slightly than the classic q3 protocols, but I haven't researched the classic ones so I couldn't tell you for sure. But I can tell what packets are sent when a user connects to a server, and Luigi might be able to work with this information to create something:
Client ->
UDP Packet: \xff\xff\xff\xffgetKeyAuthorize 0 1234abcd1234abcd PB 76fec7a62184097987236446dba0f454
About: 1234abcd1234abcd is the first 16 characters of the cd key, and 76fec7a62184097987236446dba0f454 is the pb guid of that cdkey (based off the first 16 characters of the key, more info here:
/cod4key2guid-t375.html). This 1 packet is sent to the master server, and no reply appears to ever be sent back. It's like a notification saying "hey master server, im going to be using this key just so you know" or something similar. I'll explain what happens later if you dont submit this packet
Client -> cod4 server
UDP Packet: \xff\xff\xff\xffgetchallenge 0 "76fec7a62184097987236446dba0f454"
About: Once again the GUID is sent from your client requesting a challenge code, but this time it's sent to the cod4 server you're connecting to, not the master server.
cod4 server -> Client
UDP Packet: various replies can be sent, see "about" below:
About: After the getchallenge string is sent to the cod4 server, the server will reply with 1 of 3 things from what I've found:
\xff\xff\xff\xffneedcdkey - from what I've noticed, this usually means the first packet (in #1) was never sent to the master server. It may have been sent, but considering the connection-less nature of UDP the packet may have been lost on the way, and never received by the master server.
\xff\xff\xff\xfferror\x0aEXE_ERR_CDKEY_IN_USE - this reply displays the word 'error' with a line feed (hex 0a), and then the error EXE_ERR_CDKEY_IN_USE. This error is obvious, the cd-key is in use, but I also seem to get this error when the cdkey is invalid. Might be an error on their part, but I can't ever seem to get a different reply when I use an invalid key. So don't let this fool you into thinking the cdkey is in use all the time.
\xff\xff\xff\xffchallengeResponse 123456789 - this means the key was NOT in use by another player, and was accepted by the cod4 server, and you were given a challenge response to be used further down the "connecting to server" road. This is what you probably want to see when performing the fake player DoS, but it requires a valid key to see.
If you were able to get a "challengeresponse" like the one above, you're still able to keep on going.
Client -> cod4 server
UDP Packet: \xff\xff\xff\xffconnect "\cg_predictItems\1\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_voice\1\cl_wwwDownload\1\rate\25000\snaps\20\name\FakePlayer1\protocol\6\challenge\123456789\qport\-11037"
About: Pretty self explanatory. Looks like the client's settings that he wishes to use, along with his challenge string, player name, etc.
cod4 server -> Client
UDP Packet: \xff\xff\xff\xffconnectResponse\x20
About: Just a string sent from the server with the hex character 20 at the end (space).
From here on out, it appears that the client and server first exchange the clients player stats, and then start exchanging encoded/encrypted/unreadable data. That is where I left off with my research, so hopefully you and/or luigi can use that information to improve upon the fake players DoS for q3 games. Enjoy, and good luck. Let me know if I need to clarify anything.