if someone is interested in this topic it's good to know that in the next 0.3.15 version of quickbms that I will release tomorrow I will add a simple file.h with the functions for using almost any calling convention existent like Borland (the one of the topic), Watcom, OS/2 syscall, optlink and so on.
in the meantime I hope the following informations/examples could be useful:
borland fastcall/register
:00401167 6844444444 push 44444444
:0040116C 6855555555 push 55555555
:00401171 6866666666 push 66666666
:00401176 6877777777 push 77777777
:0040117B B933333333 mov ecx, 33333333
:00401180 BA22222222 mov edx, 22222222
:00401185 B811111111 mov eax, 11111111
:0040118A E8C1FFFFFF call 00401150
:0040118D 33C0 xor eax, eax
:00401165 6877777777 push 77777777
:0040116A 6866666666 push 66666666
:0040116F 6855555555 push 55555555
:00401174 6844444444 push 44444444
:00401179 6833333333 push 33333333
:0040117E 6822222222 push 22222222
:00401183 6811111111 push 11111111
:00401188 E8C3FFFFFF call 00401150
:0040118D 83C41C add esp, 0000001C
:00401190 33C0 xor eax, eax
:00401167 6877777777 push 77777777
:0040116C 6866666666 push 66666666
:00401171 6855555555 push 55555555
:00401176 6844444444 push 44444444
:0040117B 6833333333 push 33333333
:00401180 6822222222 push 22222222
:00401185 6811111111 push 11111111
:0040118A E8C1FFFFFF call 00401150
:0040118F 33C0 xor eax, eax
:00401167 6811111111 push 11111111
:0040116C 6822222222 push 22222222
:00401171 6833333333 push 33333333
:00401176 6844444444 push 44444444
:0040117B 6855555555 push 55555555
:00401180 6866666666 push 66666666
:00401185 6877777777 push 77777777
:0040118A E8C1FFFFFF call 00401150
:0040118F 33C0 xor eax, eax
:00000149 6877777777 push 77777777
:0000014E 6866666666 push 66666666
:00000153 6855555555 push 55555555
:00000158 B944444444 mov ecx, 44444444
:0000015D BB33333333 mov ebx, 33333333
:00000162 BA22222222 mov edx, 22222222
:00000167 B811111111 mov eax, 11111111
:0000016C E800000000 call 00000171
:00000171 31C0 xor eax, eax