Sorry for the lack of corispondance, i forgot all about this post lol.
so, this is a copy of my current .c file, tested this on my home box, windows, and it worked like a charm.
i tried it on my linux remote box, didnt work at all, so i tried it on my remote windows box, with no sucess.
firstly, i dont understand why i had to change
static u8 myinput[] = CLIENTS_FILE;
and then define clients file, otherwise, nomatter what i enter in as the variable, it says to hex edit it:
if(!strcmp(myinput, DEFAULT_FILE)) {
MessageBox(0, "this proof-of-concept must be recompiled or hex edited as written in the advisory", "sourceupfile", MB_OK);
that line of code basicly says that if the imput is the same as the imput, give an error. am i wrong? what am i missing here? reguardless, changing the imput to a new defined variable worked, but im just so confused as to how this thing actualy works, i get that im supposed to pop in the path to the file and with a null pointer,
EG: server.cfg/1.txt.xxxxx etc,
why is it not working on remote systems but it is working on my local system? user policies?
i would like to note that i tried both compiling it and hex editing the one that you provided. neither work, however i am still able to use it against my home box, with the current source version, so i belive its not patched.
any advice at all? ive been trying to get this to work for weeks but im stumped and its pretty frustrating lol,
ive tried a douzen different combinations of files, such as
and even what you told me to retry.
i just dont get why it works localy but not remotely.