I've been dicking around with this for a while now.
Found out that specific servers will instantly temp ban you for 600 - 960 minutes when you alter the code and key in the mic on these servers.
Down here you'll see:
The instant temp ban comes from servers who run on a Linux 3.0.6 or WIN32 3.0.6 platforms.
While any other server on any other version of Linux or WIN32 (like 3.0.3 or 3.0.2 etc) so far does not instantly kick you for testing the memset.
Also worthy to note if you key in the memset on a 3.0.6 server in hopes to kick a bot or player, knowingly you will get temp banned , they will not recieve the corrupt packet before the server temp bans you and you will be locked out for 600-960 minutes.
You cannot get past a temp ban for you do not show up in the servers actual banlist. The server must be reset inorder for you to login to it again. I tested this by banning and unbanning my temp banned ip from another computer on a different connection to see if I could trick the temp ban, which failed. Reseting the server or waiting out the temp ban are the only options.
Thank you for your input. I'll keep you al updated if I find anything else.