Here you go I've commented everything so you can learn how it works it is 7 lines of code.
Dim x As Integer 'this is used to count the loops
Open App.Path & "\" & "blah.cfg" For Output As #1 'this will create blah.cfg where ever this .exe is in a temp buffer for now
Do Until x = 28 'this will loop until its done 28 times
Print #1, Text1 'this will type what ever is in text1 into the cfg file
x = x + 1 'after printing a line add X so we can loop
Loop 'makes it go back to do until up top until x is 28
Close #1 'this will close the buffer with what ever was put into it then make the .cfg file for you!
anyways I attached the full source you can do what ever you want to it