I want to draw something on a directdraw game's screen.
So i find the proxy dll project here.
http://www.mikoweb.eu/And i find the directdraw proxy dll ,but it has no own stuff to show how to draw something to a directdraw game's screen.
I sent a mail to the author,but the author also have no solution of it.
Can you take a look of it and find a way to draw something to a directdraw game's screen? Or can you make a new ddraw proxy dll?
This is the mail from the author
Hello there,
thanks for the kind words. I did have a look into the code. You did a lot of good work creating the myIDDrawSurface7 !
Please have a look at ???myIDDraw::CreateSurface???. Here, I added the creating of our own ???myIDDrawSurface7??? object and passing the new pointer back to the caller. So that the proxy code gets called afterwards. For testing, I used a free game that needs DX7, downloaded from the internet: ???BoXiKoN.exe???.
As you can see (picture attached), DebugView now reports the creation of a ???myIDDrawSurface7 object???, but I ran into an endless loop of lock/unlock/blt afterwards.
So, this solution might not be complete yet (or it is a problem in ???BoXiKoN.exe???).
The project is here for download. Gmail wouldn???t let me send it directly. Bah.
http://www.mikoweb.eu/tmp/work_ddrawproxy_1.1_mod.zipYou could test this with your target application and see if there is the problem, too.
Sorry for not having a solution ???out of the box???. I did think about it some time now, but couldn???t find a solution yet.
Please tell me about your findings.