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 Post subject: hltv bug? with sv_proxies
PostPosted: 13 Feb 2009 19:44 

Joined: 03 Feb 2009 19:55
Posts: 2

some guys attack server crash or freeze use with hltv, so i change sv_proxies 1 to 0 then no crash no frezee.

anyone know that sv_proxies or hltv bug ?

for cs 1.6.

 Post subject: Re: hltv bug? with sv_proxies
PostPosted: 17 Feb 2009 15:41 

Joined: 04 Jan 2009 17:02
Posts: 4
If you give more details, for example how does he do that, we can help better.

 Post subject: Re: hltv bug? with sv_proxies
PostPosted: 20 Feb 2009 17:38 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
if the effects where the usual of the hlfreeze/csdos/btbp vulnerabilities an "hypothesis" could be that the attacker was just using them through the proxy slot (but I think/hope you use fixes or work-arounds versus these bugs).
this can be tested directly with hlfill adding -a \*hltv\1 like in the following example:

hlfill -2 -a \*hltv\1

so try to reset sv_proxies to 1 and test your server with that command (use -2 and then -3 as attacks and if still no luck try using -x)

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