Hey aluigi,
i like to mod a game and so i extracted it's sounds with your nice tool.
That's the start of the printout:
- "add header" option disabled otherwise you can't rebuild the archive
- reb file: dump2.txt
- input file: LoL_Audio_orig.fsb
- FSB4 version 4.0 mode 32
Filename Size Mode frequency channels bits
galio_basicattack_ohf_1.aif 24064 mono,delta,effects 44100 1 16
annie_basicatk_OH_3.aif 25216 mono,delta,effects 32000 1 16
DrMundo_CritAttack_OC_1.aif 21440 mono,delta,effects 44100 1 16
Afterwards, I overwrote some of the unpacked sounds and packed it again with your tool.
When i play the game, or play the sounds with FMOD Event Player i get short weird noise at the end of some! files , even in the non overwritten ones.
But when i unpack the original file and pack it again, without changing anything, i don't get these errors. So what i am doin wrong?
Is it what you mentioned above?