the data displayed by the tool is just those received from the Gamespy master so yes, those strange numbers are exactly the values sent by it.
in short this is a way used by the master server for consuming less bandwidth, for example the mapname 18 is the map "Sara" and gametype 49 is "COOP" while mapname 32 is "saralite" and so on.
I have got these values simply querying the single servers using "gslist -I SERVER:PORT" and the results are ever the same (mapname 0 is probably a custom or unknown map).
I give you also a practical example of the bytes received by the master server for one of the various servers:
4e 2e 52 f1 0e N.R..
10 ff 41 6e 67 72 79 49 6e 73 65 63 74 73 2e 64 ..AngryInsects.d
65 00 1f 01 18 20 26 02 2c ff 57 61 72 66 61 72 e.... &.,.Warfar
65 20 76 31 2e 31 20 33 32 50 20 2d 20 52 42 54 e v1.1 32P - RBT
2d 30 30 30 37 35 20 28 53 29 00 05 ff 43 41 3b -00075 (S)...CA;
40 61 65 63 5f 69 73 6c 61 6e 64 73 3b 40 63 72 @aec_islands;@cr
63 74 69 3b 40 7a 7a 5f 76 30 2e 34 00 cti;@zz_v0.4.
which is traduced as:
Code: \hostname\\gamever\31\numplayers\1\maxplayers\24\mapname\32\gametype\38\gamemode\2\country\44\mission\Warfare v1.1 32P - RBT-00075 (S)\sv_battleye\5\mod\CA;@aec_islands;@crcti;@zz_v0.4
as you can see all the number fields are exactly those of the dump (like 1f for gamever 31 or 18 for maxplayers 24 and so on)
at the moment I don't have an universal solution to know the textual values of these parameters (which naturally differ from game to game) but now I check if it's possible to force the sending of the full values although I have some doubts.