Hmm, having troubles parsing the output of -Q 1 (quake3) for Urban Terror (-f "(gametype = 'q3ut4')" queries:
Player data is visualized as follows (example):
extra_data\614 50 civil/0 168 CastlesMadeJUMP-J/m//0 69 [LE]HooSYA_DaddY[AF]/0 150 kukRAbAzZa*../70 150 Reflectyca/10 30 N00b|kolton122/
Playernames containing slashes "/" (such as
CastlesMadeJUMP-J/m/ above), makes it hard (but not impossible i guess) to extract the data, since that character is also used to separate the players in the list. Singlequotes are also missing from the playernames (as seen when doing -d 1 query, the returned name is actually "
If i use -d 1 queries on individual servers, the playerlist is presented in a much more parseable way, but i was hoping to avoid that, since the superquery is otherwise... well.. super ;-)