thanks man !! you rock !! extracted fine ...and now have the extension of the file , just need to find the 3d program who work fine for seen the 3d
two files give some powerfull informations after extract :
name of 3d objects, name of the texture and x y z positions
and the two scn file (right hemisphere say : caligari true space file )
VariantIdx = 1
ScnFile = Sicilia.rws
PosFile = Sicilia.pos
GlwFile = Sicilia.glw
PrtFile = Sicilia.prt
SkyFile = sky.rws
FogFile = Sicilia.fog
PvsFile = Sicilia.pvs
TxsFile = Sicilia.txs
EnvFile = Sicilia.env
TxdFile = Sicilia.txd
LodFile = Sicilia.lod
ClnFile = Sicilia.cln
BspFile = Sicilia.bsp
AdjFile = Sicilia#1.adj
SplFile = Sicilia#1.spl
but can't find where is the 3d objects
in TRACKS\SICILIA\PC\ some .sli file and one sicilia.sli file
may be in this .sli file
find a tool : txd viewer
but the extraction don't work fine