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 Post subject: Ventrilo voice algo?
PostPosted: 09 Jun 2008 16:15 

Joined: 08 Jun 2008 07:17
Posts: 92
As you probably know 3.x servers now encrypt there voice being transfered.. That being said does anyone know the algorithms to decrypt it? As im making ?? ventrilo client for windows mobile 6 and this is the hardest part also im pretty sure the creator of Centrilo <yeah Centrilo>would use this to update his application. any ideas?

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PostPosted: 09 Jun 2008 17:31 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
I didn't know that the the voice on 3.x is encrypted too.
Maybe I could take a look to it, or probably it just uses the so called "in-game" encryption on which I have finished to work a couple of days ago.

I know g3gg0, the author of Centrilo, but there is one thing I have never understood about the license.
In fact all my code is covered by GPL so any related work (my stuff is the only one public about the Ventrilo proprietary algorithms so it's logical that I have some doubts) must be released under the same license, but naturally I'm talking in a general way and not directly to Centrilo since is impossible for me to prove if has been used my code or he has re-reversed everything although being aware of my work and my tools (and I'm sure about the first hypotesis since my research on Ventrilo was the subject of most of out past mails)

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PostPosted: 19 Jun 2008 09:45 

Joined: 01 Feb 2008 22:19
Posts: 4

just was browsing your forum for interesting ventrilo discussions.

sorry for that luigi - licensing was never an issue.
since i'm using parts of your code and also some, CEntrilo obviously must be GPL'ed.

and GPL says that i may distribute binaries with or without source.
but when someone asks for the source, i have to give it to him - fact :)

CEntrilo was given away as a binary on my page.
and there were also people who asked for the source. (i think that were 2 or 3 - not sure anymore)
Of course i sent them the source code.
Okay - one asked for some changes *or* the source to make the changes on his own. i provided him the changes he wanted :)

so i never intended to violate GPL or do some evil stuff.
the (few) guys who asked for the source, received it.

that CEntrilo code is just too ugly to put it as src-download on my page. ;)
see also:

maybe i'll clean up the code somewhen, so i can provide the sourceode on the project page.
but for now its just too ugly :(

about the question:
uh encrypted voice?
thats new to me - i didnt analys the voice stream yet.
are you sure that there really is another encryption layer?

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PostPosted: 19 Jun 2008 16:01 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
hey g3gg0 how much time :)

the GPL allows you to keep the source code available "at request" too, the only requirement is specifying somewhere in the program or in its readme that it's GPL.

About the uglyness of the code, there is nothing better than open source to adjust the code since the fact that the source code is visible to anyone it's a thing that allows you to create cleaner code and find/fix the bugs in it.

I know how much chaotic is the Ventrilo protocol so don't worry, I understand :)

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PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008 01:01 

Joined: 01 Feb 2008 22:19
Posts: 4
aluigi wrote:
hey g3gg0 how much time :)

the GPL allows you to keep the source code available "at request" too, the only requirement is specifying somewhere in the program or in its readme that it's GPL.

yeah, sorry. never thought of it since it was just a fun project just some people were interested in :)
will add some note to the tool.
iirc i had the note in the debug window somewhen, but it got lost in trying and experimenting.

aluigi wrote:
About the uglyness of the code, there is nothing better than open source to adjust the code since the fact that the source code is visible to anyone it's a thing that allows you to create cleaner code and find/fix the bugs in it.

I know how much chaotic is the Ventrilo protocol so don't worry, I understand :)

well would you place such code on the first page, saing "download me"? ;)
with TriX i dont have any problem, since i had a strategy behind it.
nm, will clean it up a little and update it to your ventrilo v3.0 code.

lets hope, the voice isnt aditionally encrypted...

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PostPosted: 20 Jun 2008 02:26 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
g3gg0 wrote:
well would you place such code on the first page, saing "download me"? ;)

eh eh eh you know that I'm crazy for open source so you can't make this question to me :)

lets hope, the voice isnt aditionally encrypted...

yeah it's boring to reverse other stuff but in my opinion it isn't since Flagship has already implemented that absurd public/private key algorithm which naturally should cover also this data since (correct if I'm wrong) the voice is transmitted over the same TCP connection

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