just was browsing your forum for interesting ventrilo discussions.
sorry for that luigi - licensing was never an issue.
since i'm using parts of your code and also some, CEntrilo obviously must be GPL'ed.
and GPL says that i may distribute binaries with or without source.
but when someone asks for the source, i have to give it to him - fact :)
CEntrilo was given away as a binary on my page.
and there were also people who asked for the source. (i think that were 2 or 3 - not sure anymore)
Of course i sent them the source code.
Okay - one asked for some changes *or* the source to make the changes on his own. i provided him the changes he wanted :)
so i never intended to violate GPL or do some evil stuff.
the (few) guys who asked for the source, received it.
that CEntrilo code is just too ugly to put it as src-download on my page. ;)
see also:
maybe i'll clean up the code somewhen, so i can provide the sourceode on the project page.
but for now its just too ugly :(
about the question:
uh encrypted voice?
thats new to me - i didnt analys the voice stream yet.
are you sure that there really is another encryption layer?