just few lines of MASM to get infos about the current OS:
TITLE GetOSVersion
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
assume fs:nothing
include windows.inc
include user32.inc
include kernel32.inc
includelib user32.lib
includelib kernel32.lib
WIN_2K equ 0h
WIN_XP equ 1h
WIN_2K3 equ 2h
WIN_NT equ 4h
WIN_VISTA equ 6h
mbtitle BYTE "GetOSVersion",0h
winNT BYTE "found winNT!",0h
win2K BYTE "found win2K!",0h
win2K3 BYTE "found win2K3!",0h
winXP BYTE "found winXP!",0h
winVista BYTE "found winVista!",0h
main proc
push MB_OK
push offset mbtitle
mov esi, fs:[30h] ; PEB
mov eax, [esi + 0a4h] ; majorV
cmp eax, WIN_NT
jbe @winNT
cmp eax, WIN_VISTA
jz @winVista
mov ebx, [esi + 0a8h] ; minorV
cmp ebx, WIN_2K
jz @win2K
cmp ebx, WIN_XP
jz @winXP
cmp ebx, WIN_2K3
jz @win2K3
push offset winNT
jmp @cont
push offset win2K
jmp @cont
push offset win2K3
jmp @cont
push offset winXP
jmp @cont
push offset winVista
jmp @cont
push 0
call MessageBox
push 0
call ExitProcess
main endp
end main
It's also possible to add win9x... this is your homework :)