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Post subject: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 18 Mar 2008 15:33 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
I have just released the new version of both the tools for converting the DAA and UIF files to ISO.
The following are some of the changes made:
- password/encryption support, this is the main and most important change in this new version. PowerISO uses a proprietary 64bit algorithm while MagicISO just the old simple DES
- support for input file when the windows GUI is in use, in short if you assing the DAA extension to DAA2ISO or UIF to UIF2ISO it's enough to click on the images for extracting them quickly
- added automatic ISO extension in the windows GUI if none has been used so if you choose myfile as output ISO the tool will automatically create the file myfile.iso, while no extension is added if you specify myfile.ext
- solved the large file compatibility problems on MacOS, if somebody is aware of other problems (visible if you try to extract a DVD image) please report them
- various micro fixes, nothing important
- other things which I have forgotten
If somebody wants to report problems or other types of negative/positive feedbacks, please use this topic
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Post subject: Posted: 24 Mar 2008 15:57 |
Joined: 24 Mar 2008 15:51 Posts: 2
Where can i get this tool?
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Post subject: Posted: 24 Mar 2008 17:51 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
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Post subject: Posted: 25 Mar 2008 06:47 |
Joined: 24 Mar 2008 15:51 Posts: 2
Thank you very much ive been looking this for a while !
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Post subject: Posted: 04 Apr 2008 11:04 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
Another thing that probably some people don't know is that DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO do NOT need additional GUIs on Windows, they are stand-alone tools with an internal GUI activated when you double-click on them.
So if you use daa2iso and uif2iso on Windows you don't need additional programs.
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Post subject: Posted: 08 Apr 2008 23:09 |
Joined: 08 Apr 2008 22:41 Posts: 2
Hi, is it supposed to display error messages on bad files?
I've got some stuff to try but it doesn't convert properly :(
Is it just broken file or some kind of incompatibility?
Code: UIF2ISO 0.1.3 by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org web: aluigi.org
- open a.uif - create b.iso
file size 0000000095adcf5f version 1 image type 8 padding 0 sectors 1380167 sectors size 2048 blhr offset 0000000095ac881a blhr size 83781 hash 5e7f48acd8ea6ff8215dbfc2ac96aa0c - start unpacking: 100% - 0x00000000a87a3800 bytes written - finished
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Post subject: Posted: 09 Apr 2008 12:05 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
yes, both daa2iso and uif2iso display errors or alerts for each minimal problem.
In your case the file has been unpacked perfectly.
Naturally the format of the resulting ISO is unrelated to the tools which simply restore the daa/uif file to its original uncompressed state.
Anyway what problems give you that ISO?
Have you tried to burn it on a DVD or opened with 7zip/daemon-tools/alcohool?
Have you checked its format with a hex editor or other tools?
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Post subject: Posted: 14 Apr 2008 21:56 |
Joined: 08 Apr 2008 22:41 Posts: 2
OK... probably image was broken before they made *.uif
Directory was corrupted.
Sorry, I waste your time with that junk...
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Post subject: Posted: 15 Apr 2008 10:07 |
Joined: 15 Apr 2008 10:02 Posts: 1
Thx Luigi for this 2 useful tools. I compiled both for new Ubuntu 8.04 and both runs ok.
I agree with you about .daa and .uif formats.
Saludos desde Madrid.
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Post subject: Posted: 15 Apr 2008 12:05 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
A note which could be useful in some cases.
The large file support (reading/writing files bigger than 2 gigabytes) continues to be a problem on some OS, so if you receive the usual "invalid argument" error or an error message of the tools about large file support missing, try to recompile the tools substituiting the following line:
#if defined(__MINGW32__)
#if !defined(__MINGW32__)
this simple work-around will force the declaration of the fopen/fseek/ftell using their 64 bit version, in case this is not made by default by the compiler
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Post subject: Posted: 22 Apr 2008 10:32 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2008 10:27 Posts: 12
I just wanted to send a big fat THANKYOU for your tools. uif2iso just helped me a lot.
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Post subject: Posted: 22 Apr 2008 18:49 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
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Post subject: Posted: 01 May 2008 11:11 |
Joined: 01 May 2008 11:08 Posts: 2
Hi Luigi,
I was wondering, under what licence are those two tool ? Is it ok to integrate them (or yet, part of them) in a proprietary (but freeware) software ?
Thank you
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Post subject: Posted: 01 May 2008 16:01 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
If I'm not in error the GPL license (the one used by both the tools) allows the usage of the executable in non gpl programs (for example like a closed source GUI for a GPL program) but not the usage of the source code or the library derived from that code (for example compiled as a dll).
The full text of the GPL is avilable here:
a FAQ is available here:
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Post subject: Posted: 01 May 2008 16:43 |
Joined: 01 May 2008 11:08 Posts: 2
Thank you. I didn't know it was GPL (the license is not with the sources)
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Post subject: Posted: 01 May 2008 21:39 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
the license is written in the header of the source code
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Post subject: Posted: 06 May 2008 15:52 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
The next versions of both the tools (in this exact moment I'm focused on the UIF format but I think that DAA needs this modification too) will contain support for the mixed CD/DVDs too.
You can identify this type of ISOs since you can't open them with normal programs (like 7zip and daemontools) and if you burn them they don't work (in my tests I used an old Alone in the Dark CD with audio tracks).
Anyway is still all a work-in-progress so I don't know the release date of the new versions which at the moment are a low priority.
The next versions will contain also the forcing of the large file support (so will be no longer needed the !defined work-around showed before).
Any feedback and idea/suggestion is welcome.
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Post subject: Posted: 09 May 2008 17:45 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
MagicISO creates invalid NRG files that not only are unreadable by the various converters/mounters/burners but also by the same Nero which has created that image format... really very very stupid.
Anyway I have modified a lot the code of uif2iso and now it handles everything perfectly, I think I will also release a simple NRG2CUE program which generates a CUE file to use with both valid and invalid NRG images.
The DAA format seems to support only the ISO data so there are no additional features to add, anyway I will update the post with more info lately.
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Post subject: Error code: Posted: 27 May 2008 21:10 |
Joined: 27 May 2008 21:04 Posts: 2
"Wrong DAA signature <>"
I don't understand whats wrong.
It's a 2.0Gig DVD file. Theres no part01, but there is Season 1,2,3,4. There is an Extras.daa too.
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Post subject: Posted: 27 May 2008 22:20 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
that error means you have probably partially downloaded the files since without the correct signature means the DAA you have invalid
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Post subject: Posted: 27 May 2008 22:33 |
Joined: 27 May 2008 21:04 Posts: 2
I C. Thank you very much.
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Post subject: Posted: 21 Aug 2008 18:19 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
I have just released version 0.1.6 for supporting versions 3 and 4 of the UIF images:
it's IMPORTANT to read the uif2iso.txt file contained in the zip because it's explained everything about the new changes and the shameful actions of MagicISO
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 03 Oct 2008 10:37 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2008 10:27 Posts: 12
Luigi, Chinese companies only copy from the best sources, so be proud :-) Of course I understand that you are angry. Anyway, thanks again for your efforts! regards c.
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 03 Oct 2008 13:31 |
Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12 Posts: 1114 Location: http://sethioz.co.uk
Luigi is angry, because those dumb ppl didn't even credit him or asked him. they just took it...like it would have been theirs. Every person would be angry if their work is used without asking and no credits at all. Luigi's work here is not copyright, so everybody can use it, but they should add credits.
and i still hate those dumb formats. about 2-3 days ago i wanted to download After FX. one of them was DAA format other was UIF. so no way i get their dumb tools...i used Luigi's tools to convert them, but then it said "insert CD". tried to hide virtual drives..etc. my friend even tried to burn it, but nothing worked. so its not only stupid format, but it doesnt work either...at least some of them.
Luigi maybe you should make a extractor, not only converter. so it would extract DAA and UIF formats instead of converting. my friend extracted it with magicISO and then it worked.
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 03 Oct 2008 16:34 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2008 10:27 Posts: 12
Almost all software you will find on bittorent network on uif or daa images is copyrighted material, I assume. So downloading something without respecting the rights of the owners and at the same time complaining that something stolen is available through a channel using stolen software (or software using parts that are copied without mentioning credits) is some kind of paradox. I very much appreciate the efforts of Luigi and understand him being angry but at least to me it's no surprise at all that the chinese software uses parts of Luigis code without crediting him - it's a different philosophy those guys are following. I prefer Luigi's, to make that clear.
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 04 Oct 2008 23:53 |
Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12 Posts: 1114 Location: http://sethioz.co.uk
Quote: Almost all software you will find on bittorent network on uif or daa images is copyrighted material, I assume. So downloading something without respecting the rights of the owners and at the same time complaining that something stolen is available through a channel using stolen software (or software using parts that are copied without mentioning credits) is some kind of paradox. i wasn't referring to that :) if you download photoshop for example, then everybody knows that its Adobe production, but if you download magicISO which uses Luigi's code, then nearly nobody knows that they used Luigi's code in there.
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 05 Oct 2008 09:22 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2008 10:27 Posts: 12
Well, for me the paradox part was the message I wanted to point out. Of course (and I mentioned that) I understand Luigi being angry and of course I think he should be credited. Best regards c.
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Post subject: Re: DAA2ISO and UIF2ISO Posted: 15 Nov 2008 19:04 |
Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44 Posts: 4068 Location: http://aluigi.org
lately both UIF2ISO and DAA2ISO have been updated with better support of these formats and naturally better support of the stupid obfuscations added by MagicISO and PowerISO.
as usual I invite anyone to report me any problem or daa/uif file which can't be converted
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