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 Post subject: need help
PostPosted: 12 Mar 2008 22:46 

Joined: 27 Feb 2008 23:33
Posts: 5
um i would like to know if there is a program that you have that can open .dll files to see what they exactly do for a program or decrypt then so that i can edit them. i use notepad to open them but to me its mostly gibberish. i tried looking it up at your main website but like i said in my other posts i can't really tell what half the stuff is.

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PostPosted: 13 Mar 2008 14:28 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
really not in mood for searching .. but google for ''.dll editor'' or like ''.dll extractor'' ..or something like that.
one program that can open .dll files is ResHacker
It can extract info, icons..etc from .dll files. maybe it helps..maybe not. if not, then just google .. or try to search or and are only for program name cant get cracked version there so use emule or torrent sites (in emule watch what u download...theres lot of fake shit)

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