I'm writing a little program in c# that just connects to a quake 3 server and everything seems to work okay up until I send the connect packet.
To encode the connect packet I'm using q3huffdecenc.
Here is what the q3huffdecenc will encrypt:
(The challenge has come from getchallenge response)
Here is the encoded output (bear with me :) ):
??0??T??????%w????u??|??x)??????????0????}0??????????????[??a??m????<???Zu????>????????#??!??????lW????6a????Nt?????????????????????a????h????,????Z?????6??}~??W 37??{??????N??aO????x?????Un/6????1??????]???GSEm$??;[??.3??-X??l????????????e??F
Finally I tack on to the start of this
???????? connect
So the finally result before I load it into a byte array is
???????? connect \challenge\??8`i??L????:??18{??D\??????>??????}o??????????P????????O\????????"??
??0??T??????%w????u??|??x)??????????0????}0??????????????[??a??m????<???Zu????>????????#??!??????lW????6a????Nt?????????????????????a????h????,????Z?????6??}~??W 37??{??????N??aO????x?????Un/6????1??????]???GSEm$??;[??.3??-X??l????????????e??F
The response from the server is "server uses protocol version 68."
I tried this on the latest version of quake3 (1.32c or something)
I also tried this against a random quake server on the net and got:
The server uses protocol version 66." I'm not sure if it is related...
In q3fill I noticed that for the version 68 error it is because the packet is not getting compressed (-c command line argument)
Any advice would be appreciated, if you need to see the source code I can attach it