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 Post subject: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 08 Apr 2010 21:38 

Joined: 08 Apr 2010 21:32
Posts: 1
Hi all.I really need help.We have a jedi academy clan,but some guy is crashin our players.
He said it is a "skin crash" =.=
Can u help me in some way ???

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 09 Apr 2010 16:46 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
im quite sure it was discussed on Luigi's forum before.
can't belive ppl still play that old stuff duh.
you just need to wait for Luigi's reply, maybe he remembers if and where it was discussed before.

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2010 15:20 

Joined: 05 Oct 2007 01:20
Posts: 402
Location: Florida
hi. ur playing on JA 1.0
model crash is a bug when u use something like 2 of the same things for the custom model, like 2 heads.
ex: model jedi_hm/head_a2|head_a2
what u can do is get something that is made from the X-Raiders clan, it's called SecureHost.
it protects against flood, jamsgbof, force crash, model crash, and a few others.
u have to sign up on the forums and ask for it, i don't think it's public yet.

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 19 Jul 2010 16:25 

Joined: 16 Jul 2010 18:43
Posts: 10
Excuse the bump, however, so people are not mistaken by the above post, SecureHost does not protect servers from the "model crash".

Also, "model crash" occures when the server sends a data to clients when they request updates(at +scores screen). What happens is a malicious client sets his model to include an illegal character(for those that are interested, it is |), the server sends the malicious players model to all clients who are set to receive the update(again, at +scores screen). You can ignore receiving the data by using the cvar CG_Forcemodel 1.

It is also possible to set the model as duplicates(e.g. jedi_hm/head_a1|head_a1) but this only returns shader errors on clients, it doesn't cause the actual crash until the malicious player enters the character customization screen(maybe the extra information gets truncated? I don't know).

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 19 Jul 2010 21:57 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
cmd userinfo \model\blah|blah

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 24 Jul 2010 15:29 

Joined: 05 Oct 2007 01:20
Posts: 402
Location: Florida
yeah, pretty much, luigi.

but uh u said the same thing i said... o_O

uh also axis told me that securehost was working at preventing model crash, that's why i said that.

 Post subject: Re: Jedi Academy Skin crash?
PostPosted: 19 Jun 2011 21:17 

Joined: 14 Jul 2009 21:07
Posts: 14
I saw a little fix on 1.01, what enabled just model something/head_xx|torso_xx|lower_xx format. If anything was missing, or the order was different (forexample if you write model jedi_hm/head_a1|head_b1|lower_a1, you will get a model with unvisible head, notextured torso.

So there are 3 positions to configure (head part, torso part, lower part). If you write less or more, it creates crash.
Anyway if you write a nonvaluable thing there, it also creates crash (like model jedi_hm/head_a1|torso_a1|mycatisblue)

That's why "model |" or "model jedi_hm/head_a1|" crashes.

So if you use valuable thing 3 times, it wont crash, like model jedi_hm/head_a1|head_b1|head_c1 wont crash. You will get unvisible head, with untextured torso and leg.

So fix can be if we allow on the first position: head_a1, head_a2, head_a3, head_a4, head_b1, head_b2, head_b3, head_b4, head_c1
on the second position: torso_a1, torso_b1, torso_c1, torso_d1, torso_e1, torso_f1, torso_g1
on the third position: lower_a1, lower_b1, lower_c1, lower_d1, lower_e1

And there's no more. The code must contain min and max two of "|" char

Is it possible to create?

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