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 Post subject: SA:MP Help
PostPosted: 21 May 2011 09:40 

Joined: 14 Sep 2010 09:30
Posts: 5
Hello Aluigi and everyone

mm Is there SA:MP 0.3C R3

And how about add new things in SAMPFP

like Crasher,Spammer or account hack etc, rocn,

if you add this will be good

 Post subject: Re: SA:MP Help
PostPosted: 22 May 2011 17:57 

Joined: 27 Apr 2011 18:44
Posts: 47
Hello Beremix.
First of all I want to ask you, are you Beremix[MG] from MG server.
Second I think Luigi does NOT do this kind of things, You can do it yourself I mean it IS possible but you need to dedicate a long time to do it.
Third I think that Luigi's sampfp was meant to be a PoC but not a tool that everyone can use to take revenge of/attack your rival server, I personally think that what you want to do (apparently) is lame and that this thread is a perfect candidate for the trash section.


 Post subject: Re: SA:MP Help
PostPosted: 22 May 2011 18:34 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
like Crasher,Spammer or account hack etc, rocn,
it's not "magic", a crash is caused by a programming error and you must first find it.
what you call "rcon hack" is a particular type of vulnerability.
why you think that such software is affected by these vulnerabilities and what are the proofs of what you say?

software security (aka "vulnerability research") is not a magic thing like many kids think.

 Post subject: Re: SA:MP Help
PostPosted: 23 May 2011 03:50 

Joined: 27 Apr 2011 18:44
Posts: 47
Yeh lets type some 'secret' keys, and suddenly I hacked everyone's SA-MP account LOL!.
As i said it is difficult to do what you said :(

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