raydrezack wrote:
Sorry to revive an old(er) post but, I'm having trouble.
sampfp -f xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7777
SA:MP Invisible Fake Players DoS 0.1.3
by Luigi Auriemma
-target xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: 7777
That's all it says, I'm not quite sure if the program is not compatible with the current servers or not. But it's not working. I'll help get info if you need it.
I just tried that server and it's working fine for me. It might be a firewall/router issue on your end. If you have any software firewalls, you can try disabling them. I would also plug directly into your modem and eliminate anything in between. I know the linksys routers are a real pain when it comes to fake players. Mine used to block the hell out of stuff, but never report what it was doing in any logs, then I replaced it with a m0n0wall pc. Eliminating things that can possibly block it 1 by 1 will help you identify where the problem may be.