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 Post subject: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat files
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 01:22 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
Hello Luigi and community.

Im looking for advice on how to unpack and access the contents of a data compressed file.
Its from a game called Mythos. This is the image of the file where the packed files reside:
What I want to do is create a script for Quickbms that allows me to unpack those .dat and/or .idx files, as they seem to be connected.
I use Hex Editor Neo.

When I open the .dat files, it seemed very confusing to me. I had only used QuickBMS once in another game, where the script had already been written.

When I opened the ntlfl.cfg file on the HEX editor I got all the file names that are packed, hash keys, and their locations. Look at the screenshot:

What I want to do, is be able to unpack those files from the 200-300mb .dat file. I can upload the .dat file themselfs, or I can post screenshots of any of them while opened on the Hex Editor.

This seems very complicated, can anyone here crush this?

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 03:57 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
ok it's a classical index+data archive.
you can start uploading x_mythos000.idx/dat and another idx and the first 2 megabytes of its relative dat file.
you can use for the uploading.

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 04:39 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
Hello Luigi!
Thanks a lot for the fast repply. With your mastery we shall unpack this!

mythos000.dat I cut 2.11mb of the original file wich is 668mb.
mythos000.idx the original of 4.22mb.
x_mythos000.idx :
x_mythos000.dat :

You know that screenshot of the Hexed .cfg file? That .cfg file is a big clue. I just reinstalled this game and the .cfg file didnt got created, it seems it only gets created once I log in the game and maybe play it for a bit, but the screenshot posted on the main post should be a good indicative of the file structure of the unpacked folder and its extensions. Im interested in the excel spreadsheets, specially, because it contain important details on the game mechanics and raw data.
But there is an even bigger clue it seems, the other file inside the game directory (there is only 2) has this "packer" (?)

I can upload those as well. Maybe you know how to make use of it. :D

Thanks a lot for taking a look, if you want to have access to the full file, it would be easier/faster to download the client using a download manager
Here is the official link ... 101223.exe

I would appreciate any insights on how to properly unpack this.

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 06:59 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
A new challenge everyday. Life is interesting.

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 09:48 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
from what I have seen the index file is encryped while the dat file (our target) is simply composed by compressed files.
all these files have a strange format (cxe) so it's useless to do the whole reversing job only for retrieving their names just becaus their content has ever the same format.

so use offzip on these dat archives and it's ok:
offzip -a file.dat c:\output_folder 0

remember to create and use a different output folder for each dat archive

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 13:42 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
Hi Luigi,

I used offzip on mythos_localized000.dat

I got 36 valid blocks, 11.8mb in total.

The mythos_localized000.dat itself is 360mb. I got many of those: "ZLID_DATA_ERROR, the data in the file is not in zip format or uses a different windowBits value (-z). Try to use -z -15"

In the end of the file I got a
"0x17dc5400 ..... 9296 --> 43590
0x17dc7a00 ...... 12417 --> 59278"

Is those 11.8mb just the first subdirectory of the many inside the .dat file? Are those 11.8mb all I can ever extract from that .dat file? What happened to the rest of the 350mb of the .dat file? Is there a way to procedurally assign a different Output_folder for each individual folder the offzip extracts? How can I do that? Do I need to create another folder named "Output_Folder 1", "Output_folder 2" for the offzip to automatically send the valid zip blocks to each's own folder? Does offzip recognizes the folder/sub folder structure of the 360mb .dat file?

Im stuck for now.

From the 36 valid zip blocks I managed to extract so far, I noticed that all of the individial .dat files are not encrypted. Although I dont know their original names and extensions, I could go from trial and error from here, trying to open then as .xls for example.

Is there a way for me to figure out the original extension just by looking at each hexed .dat, noticing some individual extension sign that I could search. Like searching for many different string of common extensions in an hex file and if anything comes up, bingo, I change the extension and now I have access to the data.

Looking at that .cfg file in the first post again, I can probably trial and error all the names of the folders, files and extensions by just analysing its contents on the hex (wich is not encrypted).

Can you further help me with the offzip commandline parameters to unpack all the folders in the original .dat?

It gets to this point and start giving errors, as if not any file structure after it:

Does it means all the files it didnt recognized have an inferior size than the default one? What would it be the minimum size/ minimum setting/parameter I can tell offzip to prevent any file from being lost in the unpacking? Even if I end with a thousand xxxxxx.dat of 1kb.

It seems that with offzip -a -z -15 Im still missing files/getting those zLIB errors.

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 02 Feb 2011 20:07 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
Is it possible that the big.dat file is composed of many packed.dat files, with, lets say, 5 different compression modes?

I opened all the .dats I extracted and I noticed 5 or so different patterns.
Each one has its own signature.

What if 99% of the .dat extracted are encrypted, its not just that we dont know their names and extensions, but also their contents are encrypted?

These two files above have info about achievements wich are hidden from the player untill unlockled and the other one is about skills and their values.
I have found files on game mechanics, calculations, items, bonuses from items, but its not 100% readable, the numbers/descriptions are lacking. I wonder if they are encripted or just compressed.

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2011 00:10 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
uhmmm if some of these files can't be extracted correctly with offzip because they are divided in chunks then it's a problem.
at the moment I can only work on quick projects so this one seems take too much time, have you already tried to ask on xentax?

 Post subject: Re: I need help making a QuickBMS script for Mythos, .dat fi
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2011 00:47 

Joined: 02 Feb 2011 00:21
Posts: 6
No, I came directly for you, because like, your the tool creator and you helped many people.

About the bootleneck Ive reached with this, do you think it can be solved, how one would proceed to do so?
Do you think you could do it if you really wanted? If not, is it because encryption? And do you happen to know any guy, like... a computer wizard that could do it like it was nothing, or would approach it like a "snack puzzle". Should I quit trying to access these files?

I dont think this task level is something I could overcome with just reading tutorials and guides, I think its one of those things that the guy has to have an eye for it, and experience, someone who can look at it and draw many conclusions and/or certain lines of thought that could lead to more information...

Well, I didnt thought it would be this hard. Thanks for all the help anyway...

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