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 Post subject: CoD2 - next openscriptmenu BUG
PostPosted: 30 Jan 2011 22:53 

Joined: 30 Jan 2011 22:38
Posts: 1
I found this forum on the google and it looks v.good as if we are talking about users knowledge so I decided to write here about my problem :)
Maybe You will be good enough too help me ;]
When someone types in console /openscriptmenu weapon_american m1a1garand_mp OR /openscriptmenu weapon_american m1garand_pm he receives information that he will start next round with UNKNOWN WEAPON. Next round never begins because this mistakes in command causes server crush.
I think it is something like /openscriptmenu endround problem. Correct command looks like this /openscriptmenu weapon_american m1garand_mp.
What's more i think that solution is already known but it is included in PAM mod. In PAM player can't type this command because weapon menu always appears to choose weapon from your team. The problem is about that i don't know how to get the solution out of PAM mod :D
Please help me because players sometimes makes mistakes typing that and server crushes... ;/
If something is not clear in my post I'll try to explain it in the other way :)
Thanks!! :)

P.S. the problem concerns all weapons, not only m1 garand.

 Post subject: Re: CoD2 - next openscriptmenu BUG
PostPosted: 30 Jan 2011 23:09 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
uhmm the only two things I know about this bug are the following and don't look much useful because is not clear if the path is server-side or not (it seems server-side in the second link):

cod2-bug-causing-servers-to-crash-t1209.html ... atche.html

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