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 Post subject: Jedi Academy Scripts
PostPosted: 14 Jan 2011 19:20 

Joined: 14 Jan 2011 19:08
Posts: 3
Hi, im interested if anyone has a RECENT JK3 cfg to crash a server or ones game. Ive been abused with hackers for weeks and im interested in getting my own backup weopons. Ive noticed that people can just crash my game individually. My friend sent me this one hack for JK3, he named it SKIN.CFG its a glitch in the game i suppose, when i do \exec skin.cfg it changes my model to have a silvery skin and its suppose to crash the person you aim onto game. Ive tried and havent succeeded so when desperate times come desperate measures. If ANYONE can please help me or make me a cfg to do this, Also JK3 is a Q3 based game as i am told, and ive tried the Q3Boom but they have fixed that awile ago. So please if someone can help me it would be very much appreciated.

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