I am confused on whats happening here.
Here are 2 samples one works the other does not but if i dump the where it crashes and manually convert it using the quickbms bat file it extracts it correctly and the size is right.
#Xbox360 NIER
#quickbms script
#By chrrox
endian big
get name FILENAME
string name + ".dec"
get lzo long
get version long
get subversion long
get files long
get TotalUncompSize long
get unk long
goto 0x20
comtype LZO1X
for i = 1 to files
get memoffset long
get size long
get zsize long
savepos offset
clog MEMORY_FILE offset zsize size
math offset + zsize
goto offset
Padding 0x10000
next i
log NAME 0 TotalUncompSize MEMORY_FILE
This seems a lot like what happens with the virtual fighter 5 files.