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 Post subject: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010 19:06 

Joined: 28 Sep 2010 18:49
Posts: 4
sorry for my bad English but I talk Spanish,
but my question is, why I can not use q3fill
I get this error:
Servername: (e.e)
13dm7 mapname
32 sv_maxclients
3 gametype

-Parameters in use:
Compression on
protocol 43
punkbuster off
key / guid random
G guid
P pb_guid
"Fake players:
PLayer: .. "e.e"
error: server uses protocol 43.
"I try to disable cl_guid

Player: ....." Lol> _ <"
Error: Server uses protocol 43.
This Means You Must error disable compression <-c flag>
I need to do?

can help me =D?

 Post subject: Re: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010 19:53 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
it probably means that the default "connect" string used by q3fill is not enough for the game/mod in use on that server.
so you must add the missing parameters with the -m string.
but it's also possible that your IP has been banned or something similar.

I have seen that there are no traces about the method to collect the "connect" string of the game client so I decide to post here the whole step-by-step:
  • download the "Quake 3 engine testing server" tool:
  • double-click on the q3ts executable, it will be launched immediately
  • start your game as usual
  • join the server located at the address on port 27960
    it's enough to enable the console with the ~ key or in some games shift+~ and typing:
    the alternative is launching the game executable with the addition of the argument: +connect
  • now in q3ts will be displayed some data like the following:
    Binding UDP port 27960

    Waiting clients = GETCHALLENGE = CONNECT:
    ff ff ff ff 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 20 22 5c 63 68   ....connect "\ch
    61 6c 6c 65 6e 67 65 5c 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38   allenge\12345678
    39 30 5c 71 70 6f 72 74 5c 32 33 32 39 35 5c 70   90\qport\23295\p
    72 6f 74 6f 63 6f 6c 5c 36 38 5c 63 6c 5f 67 75   rotocol\68\cl_gu
    69 64 5c 42 42 45 42 33 46 36 33 46 36 42 33 37   id\ABEB3F63F6B37
    43 32 34 30 42 41 42 35 34 46 45 33 35 37 35 38   C350BAB54FE35758
    30 41 45 5c 6e 61 6d 65 5c 55 6e 6e 61 6d 65 64   0AF\name\Unnamed
    50 6c 61 79 65 72 5c 72 61 74 65 5c 33 30 30 30   Player\rate\3000
    5c 73 6e 61 70 73 5c 32 30 5c 6d 6f 64 65 6c 5c   \snaps\20\model\
    62 69 6b 65 72 2f 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 5c 68 65   biker/default\he
    61 64 6d 6f 64 65 6c 5c 73 61 72 67 65 5c 74 65   admodel\sarge\te
    61 6d 5f 6d 6f 64 65 6c 5c 6a 61 6d 65 73 5c 74   am_model\james\t
    65 61 6d 5f 68 65 61 64 6d 6f 64 65 6c 5c 2a 6a   eam_headmodel\*j
    61 6d 65 73 5c 63 6f 6c 6f 72 31 5c 34 5c 63 6f   ames\color1\4\co
    6c 6f 72 32 5c 35 5c 68 61 6e 64 69 63 61 70 5c   lor2\5\handicap\
    31 30 30 5c 73 65 78 5c 6d 61 6c 65 5c 63 6c 5f   100\sex\male\cl_
    61 6e 6f 6e 79 6d 6f 75 73 5c 30 5c 63 6c 5f 70   anonymous\0\cl_p
    75 6e 6b 62 75 73 74 65 72 5c 30 5c 63 67 5f 70   unkbuster\0\cg_p
    72 65 64 69 63 74 49 74 65 6d 73 5c 31 5c 74 65   redictItems\1\te
    61 6d 74 61 73 6b 5c 30 22                        amtask\0" = DATA:
    01 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa 11 00                  .....Z..... = DATA:
    02 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa 11 00                  .....Z..... = DATA:
    03 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa 11 00                  .....Z..... = DATA:
    04 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa 11 00                  .....Z..... = DATA:
    05 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa 11 00                  .....Z..... = DATA:
    06 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa a1 5b bd 84 92 f7 78   .....Z....[....x
    96 81 d3 24 ea b9 d6                              ...$... = DATA:
    07 00 00 00 ff 5a aa aa aa a1 5b bd 84 92 f7 78   .....Z....[....x
    96 81 d3 24 ea b9 d6                              ...$...
    so the connect string is:
  • now launch q3fill adding the -m option and that whole string like the following example:
    q3fill -m "\challenge\1234567890\qport\23295\protocol\68\cl_guid\ABEB3F63F6B37C350BAB54FE357580AF\name\UnnamedPlayer\rate\3000\snaps\20\model\biker/default\headmodel\sarge\team_model\james\team_headmodel\*james\color1\4\color2\5\handicap\100\sex\male\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\cg_predictItems\1\teamtask\0" SERVER PORT
it's really very easy

 Post subject: Re: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010 04:10 

Joined: 28 Sep 2010 18:49
Posts: 4
I do not understand, why do not you upload the files is set for quake 3 1.16, and once again sorry for my bad english e.e

 Post subject: Re: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010 13:55 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
for q3 116n it's enough to add the -c option as suggested by q3fill:
q3fill -c SERVER PORT

 Post subject: Re: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 30 Sep 2010 01:54 

Joined: 28 Sep 2010 18:49
Posts: 4
aluigi wrote:
for q3 116n it's enough to add the -c option as suggested by q3fill:
q3fill -c SERVER PORT

e.e ty =D

 Post subject: Re: I cant use Q3fill
PostPosted: 03 Oct 2010 01:53 

Joined: 28 Sep 2010 18:49
Posts: 4
which need to v1.30???

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