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 Post subject: judgement day/q9 sound formats
PostPosted: 30 Aug 2010 12:26 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 15:25
Posts: 4
Has anyone tried extracting sounds from these two games? They're both games made for the blind, but they have some interesting sounds/music. Q9 has some
of the best battle sounds and music I've heard in a sidescroller. Judgment day has some nice humour bits and spaceships etc.
I tried q9's soudns.dat with game extractor but all i got was some encrypted folders and garbled files and I have no experience with hex editors whatsoever.

I have a file called files.rar. if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. This file contains sounds.dat from q9 which is 23mb and a jmd file from judgment
day which is one of the nicer musics in the game so you can have a look.

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