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 Post subject: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 23 Jun 2010 15:57 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 13:19
Posts: 6
Hi ho! :) Anyone knows anything about SOCKS5? because im trying to connect to a ventrilo server, that im banned on with SOCKsCap V2 and i tryed SOCKS4, 4.5 and 5 but i still cant be unbanned.. Anyone know how to? :)

THX! :)

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 23 Jun 2010 16:17 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 13:19
Posts: 6
Hope this helps: This is when i try to connect to the banned server.

17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** SocksCap(tm) 32 CLIENT STARTUP
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Windows information:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Platform: Windows NT / XP
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Version: 5.1.2600
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Info: Service Pack 3
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Launch method: 1.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Thread resume method: 0.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Socks implementation trying Dll: ws2_32.dll.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Socks implementation will use ws2_32.dll.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Windows Sockets DLL:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Version 1.1
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** HighVersion 2.2
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Desciption "WinSock 2.0"
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** SystemStatus "Running"
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** iMaxSockets 32767
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** iMaxUdpDg 65467
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** SocksCap version 2.40 (2.40-051231).
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Permeo Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Protocol version [SOCKS v5 RFC 1928 / SOCKS.CSTC v4] SOCKS client.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** Socks implementation using ws2_32.dll. Also watch calls to wsock32.dll.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:336 UDP bind requested:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:336 UDP bind: Assume not using proxy.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:336 UDP recvfrom: Assume not using proxy.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:396 UDP bind requested:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:396 UDP bind: Assume not using proxy.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:396 UDP recvfrom: Assume not using proxy.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:700 UDP bind requested:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:700 UDP bind: Assume not using proxy.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:700 Proxy UDP sendto:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:700 Proxy UDP sendto: Control channel 704.
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy server connect: Open communication channel to SOCKS server:
17:15:39 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy server connect: SOCKS communication channel established.
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy auth: Server requested authentication type: None.
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy auth succeeded.
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy command: Attempt SOCKS UDP associate for local
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 TCP Connect requested: To
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy server connect: Open communication channel to SOCKS server
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy command failed: Bad command.
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: WRN S:704 Proxy UDP association failed: WSAECONNREFUSED (errnum=10061).
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:704 Proxy UDP channel: Closing SOCKS communication channel.
17:15:40 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy server connect: SOCKS communication channel established.
17:15:41 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy auth: Server requested authentication type: None.
17:15:41 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy auth succeeded.
17:15:41 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy command: Attempt SOCKS TCP connect to
17:15:41 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Proxy command succeeded: SOCKS TCP connect OK.
17:15:42 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: CON S:452 Socket close requested.
17:15:43 SOCKS32.DLL[Ventrilo]: *** SocksCap(tm) 32 CLIENT CLEANUP

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 24 Jun 2010 11:40 

Joined: 24 Jun 2010 10:04
Posts: 70
Location: aluigi not @ home
you should first verify if the server supports both udp.
as simple test asks to a friend to run my proxymini server and use his ip address in sockscap.
if it works then the problem is of the socks server you are using

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 24 Jun 2010 13:26 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 13:19
Posts: 6
Ok.. Btw what is both UDP? i thought there only is TCP and UDP. Are there 2 UDP's? :)

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 24 Jun 2010 14:38 

Joined: 24 Jun 2010 10:04
Posts: 70
Location: aluigi not @ home
I wanted to say "both udp and tcp" :)

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 08:57 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 13:19
Posts: 6
Well i dont have a friend that can host that proxymini server thing, so cant really test it. Idk if u can? And i thought that all the "new" versions of VT are supporting UDP and TCP. Is there not another way to check, if that server is using UDP/TCP? Cuz i tryed with Proxyfirewall + ToR didnt work either.. And that only supports TCP.

THX! :)

 Post subject: Re: Ventrilo Socks5
PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 09:15 

Joined: 23 Jun 2010 13:19
Posts: 6
OK! i found out what version their server is its 3.0.3.

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