I have two examples of dds file in the linked folder. One Is an example of a dds file compatible with the PC version of Elder scrolls: Oblivion. The other is an example of one ripped from the PS3 version (which i own)
I am trying to find a way to get these pc textures to load on a ps3. I was able to get pc meshes to load on ps3, but not these textures. Out of curiosity, i opened one of each type in my hex editor. The files start very similarly. Here is the first 58 bytes.
DDS |....................................................................... .......DXT1
DDS |....................................................................... .......DXT5
The DXT is the only difference between the two..which i am about to google. In the mean time, is there a way to convert the pc .dds to ps3? I only need a one way conversion
Mirror to reference samples: