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 Post subject: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 06:45 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
I'm running this:
ventrilo_proxy.exe -p 9066 -l 9066 -d file1.txt -a file2.txt

I can't seem to get it to work. It says "ready:" then doesn't do anything afterwards.

This tool is meant to show ALL data transfered between client and server in the two text files and in the console correct?

To be honest I'm not too sure what the second argument does so that may be the source of the problem (-l 9066).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by TrigZu on 12 Sep 2009 16:43, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 09:33 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
now you need only to connect your ventrilo client to the IP (or the IP of your network interface like and port 9066 and anything exchanged between you and the server will be dumped decrypted in the txt and cap file specified with -d and -a.

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 14:12 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
I understand now, thank you very much! =D


 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 15:15 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
use Notepad++ or any other text editor which is NOT the notepad of windows because it's not able to read the end-of-lines (line feed) and has tons of problems in loading big files

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 16:11 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
Thanks. =D

I only opened it in notepad to make sure there was data in there though; I usually stick with Notepad++.


I'll probably need your help with a lot of stuff. I'm trying to make an app for my PSP that lets me use it like a Ventrilo client. Only it wouldn't really be a Ventrilo client, it would just be hooked up to my computer and tell my real Ventrilo client to do stuff. So really I'm trying to make a remote control for Ventrilo using my PSP.

Everything I'm doing is way beyond me, but hey, it's a learning experience.

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 17:11 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
uhmmm that reminds me the option of some vnc servers of giving control only to a particular application in which case it's enough that you run a vnc client on the psp and you can control the ventrilo client on your pc via its window.
that one seems the most easy solution

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 17:29 

Joined: 08 Jun 2008 07:17
Posts: 92
Are you trying to talk in your psp like it is a ventrilo client?

And can a psp run windows 95/98/200/xp?

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 18:24 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
JD wrote:
Are you trying to talk in your psp like it is a ventrilo client?

And can a psp run windows 95/98/200/xp?

No, I'm not trying to use my PSP as a Ventrilo client. I'm trying to control the Ventrilo client that is running on my computer using my PSP.

What I'm currently trying to achieve is a UI that appears on my PSP that will show the channels and users of the people on Ventrilo.

I'm not sure if a PSP would be able to run a Windows OS, I doubt it.

aluigi wrote:
uhmmm that reminds me the option of some vnc servers of giving control only to a particular application in which case it's enough that you run a vnc client on the psp and you can control the ventrilo client on your pc via its window.
that one seems the most easy solution

That's one solution, do you think that if a full screen game was running that it would minimize it while I was trying to use the Ventrilo window via VNC?

This is no good to me if it minimizes my game while I'm trying to use it.

I'll check if my PSP VNC has the ability to use only one window at a time.

Last edited by TrigZu on 12 Sep 2009 18:33, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 18:28 

Joined: 08 Jun 2008 07:17
Posts: 92
Well then Luigi is right vnc is easyest, I've seen people vnc games like css/wow on a psp so ventrilo should be easy. I don't own a psp but I know there is vnc software for it.


^Don't take it the wrong way I just like to use those links :D

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 18:31 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
Yeah, I've got a VNC client on my PSP already. =D

The thing is that I don't want it to minimize any game that is running just to change a channel or something.

I suppose I could use VNC with view-only then change channels using another method. Hmmm...

By golly I think I've got it!

I'll give it a whirl and post back with results.

Just out of curiosity, could a Ventrilo client be made?

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 19:24 

Joined: 08 Jun 2008 07:17
Posts: 92 is a open source ventrilo client

maybe vnc isn't the best then you can make a little program that will use the window API to click on the buttons in ventrilo. But I'm not sure if the API is good for the ventrilo treeview.

EDIT: have you used the ventrilo overlay in your game?

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 19:40 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
Wow, thanks much for the link. =D

No I have not used the overlay, but I've read of it.

The TreeView shouldn't be an issue, I'll probably just use AutoIt to manipulate information in any TreeView. That was one of the first problems I considered. ... pic=102128

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 20:09 

Joined: 08 Jun 2008 07:17
Posts: 92
This program can make your ventrilo semi transparent and always on top so it will be in your game

 Post subject: Re: I need help working with Ventrilo Proxy.
PostPosted: 12 Sep 2009 20:11 

Joined: 12 Sep 2009 04:01
Posts: 8
No, I don't think that would work, but AutoHotkey has the same features.

VNC worked as well for showing what I needed shown, but it didn't really do everything I would have liked. I think I'll make my own UI.

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