Luigi Auriemma (ARCHIVE-ONLY FORUM!)
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 Post subject: gslist - gsseckey - C and PHP and exe - different results
PostPosted: 30 Nov 2007 12:08 

Joined: 30 Nov 2007 11:56
Posts: 2
Ok, first go Helo all, first post
Second, big thanks for your awesome work, Luigi.

My problem is:
- I have downloaded gslist (latest) 0.8.3 beta
- I made simple program in C using gsmsalg.h from gslist source
- I have PHP port of gslist by Jan0 too

When I use gslist executable and query master server for game 'armedass' I see calculation of verification string, using method 1:
XGCKPP -> sPqaDlgg

I tried both my C program and PHP port and both gave me different results:

C program:
source XGCKPP key peprUy dest 1U9WQkkQ method 0
source XGCKPP key peprUy dest uOEPAVEt method 1
source XGCKPP key peprUy dest pSomMBxp method 2
source XGCKPP key fgDmOT dest PDqrSyEQ method 0
source XGCKPP key fgDmOT dest UgFFxAUt method 1
source XGCKPP key fgDmOT dest Wl3vJm5E method 2

PHP port by Jan0
XGCKPP -> pSomMBxp
XGCKPP -> Wl3vJm5E

As you can see none of them are same as you gsList result. I thought that can be a problem with key, but I use same keys as gsList provide using "gslist -u".
ArmA: Armed Assault                                   armaas             fgDmOT
ArmA: Armed Assault                                   armedass           fgDmOT
ArmA: Armed Assault                                   armedass           peprUy
ArmA: Armed Assault demo                              armedassd               
Armed Assault                                         armedass           peprUy

The question is: if my C code is same as compiled by you in executable and my key is the same as gslist takes for calculation, where is a problem?

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PostPosted: 30 Nov 2007 19:02 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
the trick is that gslist doesn't use the gamename of the game you want to query for accessing the master server, but a fixed one:

source XGCKPP key d4kZca dest sPqaDlgg method 1

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 04 Dec 2007 09:07 

Joined: 30 Nov 2007 11:56
Posts: 2
thank you very much Luigi, that was so easy :)

OK, now I have some problems with PHP port of GsList. It's receiving data from gamespy server but cant decode it (using method1). It looks like problems with bitwise operations or pointers. In C algorithm look good and works good, but in Ja0 PHP port its getting into unfinite loop.

At the moment I found that its something about functions:
function lshiftright($var,$amt)
function _BF_SHR32 ($x, $bits)
function _BF_SHL32 ($x, $bits)
function _BF_GETBYTE ($x, $y)
function _BF_OR32 ($x, $y)
function _BF_ADD32 ($x, $y)

and how they're used in function encshare2(&$tbuff, &$tbuffp, $len) while' loops.

I found those bitwise methods on PHP site: ... itwise.php

Anyway, actually I'm debuging both codes (C, PHP) to find where are differences in calculated results.
Its not question for you, Luigi as its not your code, but for anyone who had same problem and found a solution.

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