i looked deeper in it yesterday and i found out that u can't send packets directly back into chat. I was trying to fill chatroom with ''fake persons''.
and i meant flashchat .. its the name of chatroom. since its flash-based then all versions should work a like. i have 4.7.5 i think...
anyways i was able to find out that cookie has nothing to do with admin commands. its all in ''id='' hash. changing that...u can change the following:
color and other settings
admin, mod or user
..and other things.
what i dont understand is .. if i connect to flashchat and login with name ''test'' i get this ''id=617e2510f3c90bfc928e7a8339c0d6c7''
then ill logout .. refresh the chatroom and log back in using same name and settings, but id has been changed. ..so y does it change if i dont change anything ?!
ID does not keep the name in it, but it keeps all the other info.
so i logged in with ''test'' and then i logged in with ''test1''
i used packet from ''test'' and replaced the ID with ''test1'' packet's id. ...all the settings was changed to what i had on ''test''.
i also recorded my admin login packet...and using that ID i am able to boot, ban etc...i just have to login and then send the ''boot'' etc packet..without using admin password.
oh yeah and i used IP connector tool to send the data into flashchat.
actually its very easy...i was thinking to write a program/script in perl which will do the job - fill the chatroom with fake persons.
problem is ... im not really a perl programmer :shock:
maybe its easier to write cmd program like you, Luigi, did ?
one i just run in cmd ...specify where to connect and there it goes...
First i need to specify where to connect ?! right ?
Then i just specify the data which will be sent ?
and add ''keep-alive'' packet ? or something like that...
one more question ... is this ''flood control'' in flash ? ..i mean if i use something else..like IP connector will i be able to FLOOD the chatroom if admin has set ''flood control'' to like 3 seconds ?!?