Sethioz wrote:
probably Luigi places this into trash anyway, but i ask a question too then or make it 3.
1. is there even any way to change GUID ?
2. how does GUID get from client to server ? only reason why ppl want to change it, is because they get banned. so this brings me to this, that GUID have to leave computer and go into server. if thats the case, why not just use proxocket and either block the packet or make a filter to change it.
3. where GUID is stored ? cant you just change it ? like in registry ?
NOTE - i have never done any research on GUID, those questions/suggestions were only made based on logic on how computers work.
if there's still some confusion, like some ppl asking for a .dll. is it really so hard to read what GUID is ? cod4 uses an encryption algorithium, cd key is encrypted into a hash, called the guid. the guid is sent to server, the server checks if it is banned or not, and allows/denys access to server. 2 parts to the guid i think, not really clear on cod4.
1) yes you can change guid, by either spoofing it in connect modifier (you must have a valid spoofed guid i think, which makes it useless cuz u could just switch cd keys) or changing your cd key
im a lil drunk right now so sorry if im fucking up lol