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 Post subject: uif2iso only extracts up to 700MB
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2010 10:42 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010 10:32
Posts: 3
I tried to use uif2iso to convert a 2.5GB uif-file to iso. After successful conversion the iso was 2.8GB in size. However, when mounting the iso I can only see files up to 700MB in size. I tried on another (test) machine running windows with MagicISO (cracked, as I do not want to pay this chinese guy for his product) to convert the uif to iso. This time I could see all the files making up the 2.8 GB. Could you please help me with how to use the iso created with uif2iso to be able to see files beyond the 700 MB (CD) limit.

Thanks in advance for any help.

 Post subject: Re: uif2iso only extracts up to 700MB
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2010 11:16 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
uhmmm seems very strange anyway what version of uif2iso are you using?
is it 0.1.7c? if not can you try with such version?

are you sure it's not a problem of the program used to mount it (in case you saw the 2.8gb data when mounted inside magiciso)?
if the problem persists let me know the name of the torrent (via pm if you don't like to post it here)

 Post subject: Re: uif2iso only extracts up to 700MB
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2010 12:20 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010 10:32
Posts: 3
Thanks for the fast reply. Yes I am using the last version (I think) of uif2iso, that is 0.1.7c. I run it on Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic). The issue is that the iso is created with 2.8 GB, mount through the command "mount -o loop -t iso9669 <Iso-filename> <mount-point". I tried this on the command-line as well as using a GUI called gmount-iso. The mounted iso is reported through the commad "df" to be of 2.8GB in size.

The name of the torrent-file I downloeded is named: "270__Popular_Science_Books.4190896.TPB.torrent". The torrent-listname is: "270+ Popular Science Books" and was found and downloaded from thepiratebay.

Thanks again for any help.

 Post subject: Re: uif2iso only extracts up to 700MB
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2010 12:27 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010 10:32
Posts: 3
Sorry, the command used in Ubuntu should read: "mount -o loop -t iso9660 <Iso-filename> <mount-point". I Made a typo in the previous message where I stated iso9669.

Thanks again.

 Post subject: Re: uif2iso only extracts up to 700MB
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2010 21:28 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
tested with uif2iso 0.1.7c and magiciso
Z:\>md5sum I:\270uif2iso.iso I:\270magiciso.iso
\bc978c271e114e54c0530f99a8620962 *I:\\270uif2iso.iso
\bc978c271e114e54c0530f99a8620962 *I:\\270magiciso.iso
so the obtained ISOs are perfectly identical.
can you verifiy if the md5 of your ISO matches too?

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