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 Post subject: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 18 Apr 2009 10:41 

Joined: 18 Apr 2009 10:34
Posts: 3
ok i was in a server a while back. and a guy came in and flooded the server with fake clients. i was pretty amazed. after about a year..ive finally found this program, lol. and im quite amazed at what it does. and would like to try it myself. i have downloaded q3fill. when i run it... and try to flood a server with fake bots i get ' server uses protocol version 43'. i play on quake 3 version 1.16n. and i know its possible. can sum1 pls help me with this?

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 18 Apr 2009 14:09 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
after that message q3fill should have displayed also the message "This error means you must disable compression (-c flag)", read it

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 18 Apr 2009 18:34 

Joined: 18 Apr 2009 10:34
Posts: 3
wierd. i didnt get that message. all i got was 'server uses protocol version 43' then the cmd thingy went away. so how do i remove the '-c flag' and whats the exact code i should run? would greatly appreciate this. only seen a server flooded in quake 3 1.16n one time.. btw i dnt kno if this matters but i have windowsxp. thanks.

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 18 Apr 2009 21:55 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
q3fill -c 27960

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2009 02:27 

Joined: 18 Apr 2009 10:34
Posts: 3
excellent. it first when i did 'q3fill -c (server ip) 27960, a fake client connected but its name was alot of numbers and letters like 'gm0fjs'. so then i added -n so it would use the names i had in q3fill.ini. it worked. i thank you. also... the fake clients connect very one at a time. and they lag out....or time out. how do i put them in all at the same time? to flood the server

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 12 Jan 2010 11:57 

Joined: 12 Jan 2010 10:43
Posts: 6
why would you floud a server... your killing the game and not the players
Its because peeps like, u crash servers without reason.

Last edited by Excellent on 20 Jan 2010 10:59, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: q3fill quake 3 server! NEED HELP
PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010 18:20 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007 02:12
Posts: 1114
why would you floud a server noob... your killing the game and not the players
Its because noobs like u crash servers without reason JUST TO FUCK WITH PEOPLE

sry for offtopic, but:
ppl like you (excellent) only complain and act very immature and go offtopic, there is no reason to post about your personal issues and anger problems, go see a shrink instead. this thread is to ask help about q3fill, not to complain about your issues.
if you have personal issues, then there is a nice feature on forum called "PM - private message" so use that instead of yelling all over the place like a immature kid.

also... the fake clients connect very one at a time. and they lag out....or time out. how do i put them in all at the same time? to flood the server

very easy. simply run 2 or more instances with same options. open 2 or more cmd instances and run q3fill in all of them.

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