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 Post subject: FSB key guessing
PostPosted: 17 Oct 2009 01:54 

Joined: 16 Aug 2009 19:24
Posts: 29
Location: Austin, TX
I wrote up a tool today called guessfsb that guesses a decryption key for FSB4.
It's on my Stream ripping tools page:

I know it isn't really needed as you can find the key right in the file, but I thought it'd be nice to automate. Only works with FSB4 and keys < 16 bytes at the moment, only tested it with Brutal Legend thus far.

 Post subject: Re: FSB key guessing
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2009 03:44 

Joined: 16 Aug 2009 19:24
Posts: 29
Location: Austin, TX
Just put up guessfsb 0.1, has a new method wherein it looks for patterns at the end of the file (assumed to be encrypted padding). It still has the old guess-first-16-bytes method, too. Now also supports both FSB3 and FSB4, and with the padding check it can handle multiple FSBs packed into one file. I don't know if any of these actually happen (FSB3 or multiple FSBs), as I still haven't had many real files to test with.

I upgraded the included decryption tool to be able to take the key in hexadecimal form (which guessfsb outputs along with the text form), for keys with nonprinting characters (or, god forbid, nulls!). I renamed it decfsb.
Heh, I didn't check up on bnw33's tool until way after I posted this, looks like a similar idea... ah well.

 Post subject: Re: FSB key guessing
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2009 13:31 

Joined: 16 Aug 2009 19:24
Posts: 29
Location: Austin, TX
I put up guessfsb 0.2 that deals with slightly more padding after the header (up to 0x20 bytes rather than 0x10) when checking for consistency. Someone sent me a guitar hero DLC file that needed this. I don't know whether it was just coincidence before that this worked, or if the alignment rules have changed.

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