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 Post subject: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 05 Nov 2009 01:19 

Joined: 05 Nov 2009 01:09
Posts: 4
Hi everyone!
I got all the files for the decryptor/encryptor and i can't seem to get it to work. Can someone explain in alittle more detail where all the files should go and how to use it? I build tracks for rfactor and would like to have them encrypted before i upload them for people to use.


 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 05 Nov 2009 04:40 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
you can just use rfactordec, the following is an "encrypter" example just for rFactor:
rfactordec -e -s 0x38af5637e81bc9a0 original_file new_encrypted_file

 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 05 Nov 2009 06:13 

Joined: 05 Nov 2009 01:09
Posts: 4
Aluigi, Where do i extract the factordec, FindUtils-4.2.20, LibIntl-0.14.4 and LibIconv 1.9.2 files to? A folder on the desktop and then take the files out of the folders that i need and put them in the c:\gmt? I want to make sure i have everything set up right first.

 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 05 Nov 2009 12:36 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
all the links, examples and info are here:

the examples were updated just recently because the previous "syntax" was wrong since based on the old tool, so not it's all ok.
remember only to add the -e and -s options after c:\gmt\rfactordec as showed before and obviously make ever a backup of your files.

so, for answering to your question, extracting them (rfactordec.exe, find.exe and libintl3.dll) in c:\gmt should be better for staying in line with the examples if you don't have much experience with the command-line

 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 06 Nov 2009 00:08 

Joined: 05 Nov 2009 01:09
Posts: 4
Thanks for helping me Aluigi! I know i will get this to work.

1st try i unpacked the mas file using 3dsimed and put all the gmts in the c:\gmt folder along with the correct files of yours and all i got is a quick flash in dos and then nothing happened.

2nd try i put the unpacked gmts in the c:\wtcced folder along with the correct files and i ran the wtcced_all.bat method and all i got from that was a folder called decrypt like it said i would, but it was empty.

and i don't have much experience with the command line,

 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 07 Nov 2009 01:03 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
if the mod has been created by you why you need to extract the mas file? don't you already have the original files?

anyway the following link explains something about the usage of the console (which is a joke to use):

practically when you open the "cmd" console you can already launch the "c:\gmt\find c:\gmt -exec c:\gmt\rfactordec -e -s 0x38af5637e81bc9a0 -o "{}" "{}" ;" for doing the encryption job immediately.

just for my curiosity, why you want to encrypt your files?
they can be decrypted so it's a completely useless operation... mah

 Post subject: Re: rfactor gmt decryptor/encryptor?
PostPosted: 10 Nov 2009 02:23 

Joined: 05 Nov 2009 01:09
Posts: 4
it worked!!! the files are encrypted!!! thank you,this is a great tool!!

the reason i like to have my track gmt mas files encrypted is that there are programs the unpack the mas file and if it is not encrypted then there are people that will take pieces of the track gmt's and use them to make there own tracks even though they are not suppose to without permission from the original track builder! I don't want someone steal pieces of my track model without asking. i do keep the original files of my tracks and just make a copy to be encrypted.

i don't know of anybody that i know that also builds mods and tracks that knows how to decrypted gmt's

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