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 Post subject: Source engine protocol and debugging
PostPosted: 02 Sep 2009 15:37 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
well, after the release of my advisories I have noticed really a big interest in the protocol of the Source engine (for some unknown reasons nobody had fun with it before me).

so I have decided to create this thread as a "place holder" in case someone has doubts about some parts of the protocol or how to figure all the fields or the functions which performs the reading of the bitfields and bitstrings or the differences between source and orangebox (the crc16 field) or any other technical question.

remember only that my knowledge is the one of the 4 days in which I performed my tests because I have terminated any current and further research on the engine (lack of interest, what I had to do has been done) so don't expect an encyclopedia.
only some tips, after all my code is public so many doubs are already cleared there.

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