IntroductionMagicISO and PowerISO are two chinese CD/DVD burners that in the last years have gained a certain (negative) fame due to the usage of two proprietary CD/DVD image formats which are "casually" (noticing the irony) enough used on the bittorrent networks.
*EDIT* 15 nov 2008: after additional research on the recent 110 version of the daa format and some new "strange" daa files on the torrent network I can finally proove that the shameful marketing strategy of MagicISO is used by PowerISO too.
I have also removed the conclusion section because useless.The proliferation of these two useless formats started in the 2006 and is still continuing.
In short the authors of these two programs (probably helped by other people) download the torrents of ISO images (software, games, music and so on), pack them in the UIF or DAA formats and re-release them on bittorrent.
Lately it's increased also the "mania" of collecting the material downloaded from various torrents and archiving them using these proprietary formats, for example this is what happens to the images containing ebooks.
Logically there is no reason to use a CD image for distribuiting some ebooks (moreover with the bittorrent protocol which supports multiple files) except if you want to force the selling of your own program which reads the proprietary format.
The reason why this is made is very simple: the users who download these torrents are forced to buy the two programs (MagicISO for the UIF or PowerISO for the DAA files) which naturally are not free, in fact you must buy them for handling the files with a size major than 300 mega and "casually" all the uncompressed UIF/DAA files (because 300 mb is referred to the size of the ISO, so a UIF of 1 mega can't be handled if it generates an ISO of 301 mb) on bittorrent have ever a size bigger than this limit.
In their homepages these two programs state that their formats are good because offer better performances than the classical uncompressed ISO format (they are only a zipped ISO, nothing else), but naturally this is totally false and this has been fully demonstrated in the latest versions of my uif2iso and daa2iso tools which are able to read these formats.
In origin they were simple compressed ISO images (zlib algorithm) but recently, after the increasing of the diffusion of my free alternative tools, the developers have started to add various types of encryptions and obfuscation to these formats... all things that have NOTHING to do with the enhancements of the formats or better compression, they have made this only to discourage the usage of alternatives (otherwise the users are not forced to buy their programs).
shame on MagicISOMagicISO is without doubts the worst and most paltry program which has confirmed, with tons of proofs, the fact that just the same developers force the releasing of copyrighted contents in UIF format via bittorrent and that they have even "stolen" my code.
First, the images created by this program are INVALIDs, this is ever true with NRG files (in fact Nero which is the creator of this format can't open them and the same is valid for Daemon tools and various other programs) and lately this is true for some ISO images too.
Then recently on bittorrent have started to circulate some UIF files with a new version and they have nothing new, they are only the original format encrypted with some fixed keys... a clear way to avoid their extraction through my tools, but this was completely useless.
The last move was the releasing of other new UIF files with other additional encrypted/encoded contents...
But this is not all, in fact the developers of MagicISO are also good to copy the open source GPL code of other people: the latest version released at the end of July "magically" supports to the DAA format and after a quick look to the assembly code is easy to find that it's just the exact code of my daa2iso: on PowerISOPowerISO uses the same "marketing/advertising" way of MagicISO and recently has released a new version which adds the LZMA compression and the usage of bitstreams (luckily the function about I referred in the daa2iso.c source is only x86_Convert of the LZMA SDK and not an obfuscation one, thanx to Joe Lowe for the info).
Anyway this new version of the daa format contains also various ways for complicating the handling of these files to avoid that external programs (like my daa2iso) are able to read them.
These "obfuscations" includes the XORing of the numbers returned by the functions which read the bits in the index table, an encoding of the index table and a parameter which swaps the decompression functions in the inflate algorithm.
Also this program has recently added support to the proprietary format of its concurrent but luckily no specific code from mine was used.