if you refer about how to protect yourself you must disable the downloads (sv_allowdowload 0) and/or apply the work-around I wrote (it should be compatible with mohaa too):
the \\ip solution works only if on your and the remote computer runs windows with netbios enabled (which is by default) or another OS like linux with samba enabled and there are no phisical restrictions like being behind a router/NAT/firewall (99% your case).
netbios allows also to connect to log on the remote computer in "telnet style" with your computer's account.
so exist various solutions to have access to your office pc and in my opinion the usage of a vpn software like hamachi avoids all the troubles of configuring and/or bypassing the router/nat/firewall restrictions moreover if you are not a technician.
when the 2 computers can reach themselves without problems then you can think to what using for accessing the remote resources.
the easiest way is probably running a VNC server on the office PC so that using a software like ultravnc you can access it in real-time graphically (so not a command-prompt but just the screen you see when you are in front of the monitor) and can transfer files without problems using the features of vnc.
so without having major details or knowing your skills, patience in configuring stuff, requirements, situation of the network of the 2 pc and so on I suggest the hamachi+vnc solution