Hi to all the guys on this board and especially to Mr Luigi.
I have to thank you for your powerful tool for Ys Games.
It rocks!!!
I surfed over your website and I found tons of useful tool.
I wish to code well as you are able to do but unfortunatley my codin' skill are totally absent.
Well.. I saw that recently you did a cool extractor tool compatible with many game by using a common scriptin' language.
Very cool idea.
Unfortunatley I wasn't able to use it for my own pourposes.
I and a fridn of mine are trying to hack and translated to english a very cool game.
So I think you know well the matter.
WElll the main archieves are composed of two different files a .dir file containin' the index and a .arc files contain' the raw datas.
I succed in understandin' the format and it's really simple.
The data files are not compressed but they are put one after another in the same order specified in the . dir file.
Now why I'm wirtin' to you?
Will you be pleased to make a simple, relaly simple extractor and rebuilder tool for theese archieves?
I can paste down here the format of the .dir file if you will help me.
The format is the following:
1?? block = 108 bytes
file_name = 100 bytes
file_size = 8 bytes
2??block = 108 bytes
file_name = 100 bytes
file_size = 8 bytes
and so on..
The number of files contained in the archieves is psecified in the last four bytes and the end of the dir file.
So..just an example:
in the .dir file we find:
filesize= 45663223 bytes
In the associated .arc file we will find that tree.dat is follwed byt cat.dat without any interrutpion, they are stored one after another..and so for the others.
I have to say that many times in the file_name subblock there also slashes (\) that means they are folders.
for example: folder1\folder2\cat.dat, it mean the cat.dat folder is stired this way
I hope I was clear enough.
Thank you in adavance for all the help you want to give me.
Congratulations for your cool tools.
Bye Bye