many people probably have never seen it or have never spent time on it but exists a very interesting section on TPB: here they collect all the stupid mails sent by the lawyers or sometimes directly the companies which "order" (asking is too hard for them, they prefer to order like they do with dogs and other animals) to remove the torrent files.
the best mails are those with a second reply from the companies which are very hilarious moreover because they say a lot of idiocies :)
for example there is one who says he is going in bankrupt due to TPB and in the subsequent mail he says that he is a millionaire, others who say that TPB does illegal things (as even the kids know no content resides and pass on the TPB servers), others who think that each country in the world belongs to USA and to its DMCA, others who claim to have shutted down websites where they admit was not hosted their material and so on.
uhmmm seems that the only way to hit TPB is the lawsuit with the corrupted judge... wow what justice, well after all Italy and Sweden are not so different :)
Personally I have only the famous C&C mails of Gamespy where was visible the usual reference to the unexistent DMCA, and the only bad things that I remember were just the "suggestions" of some italian people: remove the material, don't post their past mails publicly, don't continue your research and so on... poor losers, the real suggestion is ever the same: NEVER LISTEN SUGGESTIONS!
so after one month I opted for my way and the result (
"Gamers trust us" section on my website) is what all we know and like :)
I have also another old mail from another idiot developer who tried to "order" me to remove a small tool.