Hello all :)
since many time i see to it's possible to "Freeze" or Saturate an Unreal Tournament 3 account (server side)
apparently Epic Game don't configure a protection againest Data Spam on UT3 accound.
In this example The Data sended for Saturate accounts memory
was friend request.
==Send a Friend Request ==
open UT3.exe
-Add a Friend
== ==
For increase the power of attack we have possibility to change the "DefautFriendRequestMessage" value for weigh the Friend Request data
i normal situation we can send only 1 request / 3 sec
but helped to many tools(speedhacking & textspammer) i've get a speed around 3 at 3.5 kbps
So After two hour of waiting and ~ 20 Mo of Data Sended The Account Memory was completly satured
That result to denial of Connection between the current account and the Principals UT3 Servers ( &
and a total impossibility to joint a server (as cracked) and restricted access to community section !
so accound become unusable.
i Create an UT3 account and do an attack againest it ...
Great Result !
look it ----> (UT3 Login: EpsoI ; UT3 Pass : Pronoxy)======
Now i have a question ...
it's possible to send the "Friend Request Packets" on TCP protocol More Faslty and out out of UT3 Program ?
i upload The Packets sniffed here
http://www.mediafire.com/?y1b6m2gfzz266wzlong post , sorry about that