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 Post subject: Ubisoft Game Service vulnerabilities
PostPosted: 22 Feb 2011 23:14 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068

shame on me for having found a couple of buffer overflow in a so old activex component... well it was just a test so don't worry I'm not crazy but was useless to keep it sleeping on my hard-disk.

note that it's highly probable that is also possible to load the so called Language_english.dll file directly but at the moment it didn't seem, oh well who cares.

in attachment there are the 3 bugs: 2 buffer overflows and a limited directory traversal

GS4 is now almost abandoned but it was an important component for the players of games like Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six

File comment: proof-of-concepts for Internet Explorer
gs4_3.htm [1.2 KiB]
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