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 Post subject: How to use my patches
PostPosted: 28 Aug 2007 08:58 

Joined: 13 Aug 2007 21:44
Posts: 4068
seems that many people have problems using my patches mainly because they don't understand how they work.

The step-by-step fortunately is really very very simple:

- download lpatch from
- download the patch you need, they have a .lpatch extension and are made of only text, so you need to download them clicking with the right mouse botton on the link and then "Save target as..."
- launch lpatch.exe
- select the file with the .lpatch extension you have just downloaded
- read the info on the screen and then select the executable or the dll you need to patch (the type of file depends by the patch, in any case the patcher will guide you through the selection of the right file)
- you will receive a success or error message, usually error messages arrive when you select a wrong file or you are trying to patch a compressed or encrypted executable

- launch lpatch.exe
- select file.lpatch
- select the file you want to patch


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